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Aerial Perspective + Back to Beauty

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  • Aerial Perspective + Back to Beauty

    If I have Aerial Perspective in the scene, the render results from Back to Beauty Render Elements are quite different from the actual RGB pass. Turning it off, and I can get it back to being identical to Original RGB. Is this a known issue? Are there any workarounds?

  • #2
    Are you using VRayAtmosphere render element for the compositing?
    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      BackToBeauty render elements included that automatically, but as they are comped together inside the VFB they look quite different from actual RGB pass.

      This is the second time I am encountering this. The first one, aerial perspective is not a huge component of my render, so it's still fine. This second one is an underwater shot (I opted to use Aerial Perspective because it's a huge body of water, which will be significantly faster than Environment Fog), but I cannot have a proper BackToBeauty with it.


      • #4
        Can you send us the RGB and the render elements through the contact form so we could investigate further? Please make sure to mention this thread.
        Zdravko Keremidchiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us


        • #5
          Submitted. Please let me know if you can't use the .vrimg i sent.


          • #6
            Is there anything new on this topic? I'm running into a situation where the back to beauty layers don't match the main render when using vray aerial perspective as well.


            • #7
              Unfortunately, we didn't get to the bottom of this with Syu_z. We needed the scene to investigate further.
              Would it be possible to provide a simple scene that we could check?
              Zdravko Keremidchiev |
              Chaos Support Representative | contact us


              • #8
                I will see if I can make a stripped down version of my scene. It seems like the aerial perspective is not showing up in the reflection pass and maybe the gi pass.


                • #9
                  I've submitted a test scene through the contact form. ticket number is: 346-122-8646



                  • #10
                    Just to let other users known that this is an issue on our side, which we are working on. The workaround will be to add RGB into the compositing and extract the missing information from it. The math should look like this: Click image for larger version

Name:	Comp.png
Views:	341
Size:	22.8 KB
ID:	1118616
                    Also, you need to make the last element of the Back To Beauty folders in Overwrite Blending mode
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Override.png
Views:	304
Size:	17.3 KB
ID:	1118617
                    Zdravko Keremidchiev |
                    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Zdravko.Keremidchiev View Post
                      Unfortunately, we didn't get to the bottom of this with Syu_z. We needed the scene to investigate further.
                      Would it be possible to provide a simple scene that we could check?
                      I'm so sorry! I was swamped with work and I forgot to follow up with this one. I trust vance3d file is sufficient to zero in on the bug? If not, I can still upload mine.

