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shadow cather and compositing

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  • shadow cather and compositing

    Hi everyone,
    never done this before, so I'm here asking for some directions if possible.

    basically, I have a scene, all static but 3 bouncing tennis balls.
    for changes, render times etc etc, we are thinking to render the balls animation separately, and add them in compositing.
    So, I have my static render rendered normally, and the balles rendered with wrapping material applied to the floor so as to catch balls shadows and reflections.
    wrapping material set in this way
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2023-02-17 184419.jpg
Views:	148
Size:	46.3 KB
ID:	1173342

    Here below, the comparison between what is rendered (circled in green) and what is overlapped with the alpha(circled in red).
    I Would expect to have the same results...but in the composition I have much darker shadows.

    Is there a proer way to render this and have the same results? Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2023-02-17 184850.jpg
Views:	133
Size:	512.2 KB
ID:	1173343

  • #2
    GI on Mattes is not yet supported on GPU, I'm afraid, only shadows. We already have an improvement request logged (internal bug-tracker id: VGPU-4575). I'll bump it.
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      I haven't thought it could have been related to gpu compatibility, and so only available on cpu....
      well, for the time being I can try to use the cpu, if it's not slower than gpu rendering the whole render



      • #4
        Thanks for the report lorenzo_spinola
        We will take a look at this in the near future, this seems to be an important feature
        I added to the GPU roadmap with priority

        Muhammed Hamed
        V-Ray GPU product specialist

