Our studio is looking to move over to Vray GPU now that it supports lots of features. I tried out the new Vray GPU and it is awesome! But I have some questions and issues I have found that I'm worried will stop us from converting over. There are a few main features we use with our current GPU renderer that we must have for the projects we do.
Parallax is a big part of our projects. It has replaced all normal and bump mapping and 98% of all displacement. It is priceless when it comes to things like Tiles, Bricks, and other finishes. Fstorm has a one click option to turn any material into Parallax, this is amazing! Is Vray going to be getting a built in parallax?

Enmesh is another Huge feature we would use on every project, we use geopattern, for most of our finishes of custom tiles and other objects. We use it for grass over extremely large and small areas. This would be one of the most important features for us! But using it I have found quite a few issues.
1) It lacks many features that even Corona Pattern has. There is no realworld mapping which makes it impossible to get accurate sizing. We have to have realworld mapping! Corona lets you also keep the base model for rendering.
2) It works good on small areas but the minute you try to add say a detailed grass model on an area of say 6400'x6400' it takes forever to just load it before rendering. This is the real deal breaker that makes enmesh with GPU unusable. Fstorm is instant with the same models for comparison.
Bump Maps - We usually use multiple maps for bump maps. So we would use a normal map, Bump map, and VrayEdgesTex for round corners. I tried multiple ways but could not get all maps to work together. Only (Normal and Bump) or (Normal and VrayEdgesTex) would work. Even (Bump and VrayEdgesTex) would not work.
Our studio is looking to move over to Vray GPU now that it supports lots of features. I tried out the new Vray GPU and it is awesome! But I have some questions and issues I have found that I'm worried will stop us from converting over. There are a few main features we use with our current GPU renderer that we must have for the projects we do.
Parallax is a big part of our projects. It has replaced all normal and bump mapping and 98% of all displacement. It is priceless when it comes to things like Tiles, Bricks, and other finishes. Fstorm has a one click option to turn any material into Parallax, this is amazing! Is Vray going to be getting a built in parallax?
Enmesh is another Huge feature we would use on every project, we use geopattern, for most of our finishes of custom tiles and other objects. We use it for grass over extremely large and small areas. This would be one of the most important features for us! But using it I have found quite a few issues.
1) It lacks many features that even Corona Pattern has. There is no realworld mapping which makes it impossible to get accurate sizing. We have to have realworld mapping! Corona lets you also keep the base model for rendering.
2) It works good on small areas but the minute you try to add say a detailed grass model on an area of say 6400'x6400' it takes forever to just load it before rendering. This is the real deal breaker that makes enmesh with GPU unusable. Fstorm is instant with the same models for comparison.
- Under Cuda - It shows loading these forever "Uploading GPU Nodes Buffers…" and "Building GPU dynamic nodes…"
- Under RTX - It shows loading the previous two from Cuda plus "Building OptiX bottom level acceleration structures" and "Compacting OptiX bottom level acceleration structures"
Bump Maps - We usually use multiple maps for bump maps. So we would use a normal map, Bump map, and VrayEdgesTex for round corners. I tried multiple ways but could not get all maps to work together. Only (Normal and Bump) or (Normal and VrayEdgesTex) would work. Even (Bump and VrayEdgesTex) would not work.