Yesterday I was rendering a bunch of images on two of my GPUs and wanted to render a different, pretty heavy scene on my CPU and another GPU. The heavy scene wouldnt render, even though I rendered it before and nothing but one texture (same size) changed (and the fact I was using a render mask).
Vray told me that there wasnt enough memory.
Today, after a restart of my PC, I tried to render the scene again (using all of my 3 GPUs and the CPU) and lo and behold: the heavy scene renders without any problems!
I would guess that somehow GPU memory was filled and after the restarted, it wasnt.
Maybe other programs used some VRAM? I had Photoshop and Capture one open. But I do have that open now that the scene is rendering problemless too.
I do have this occuring occasionally. A scene doesnt render. I restart either 3ds max or the whole PC and then it renders.
Can we solve this somehow, please?
Like vray puring vram for rendering, or some way to analyze whats going on...
Vray told me that there wasnt enough memory.
Today, after a restart of my PC, I tried to render the scene again (using all of my 3 GPUs and the CPU) and lo and behold: the heavy scene renders without any problems!
I would guess that somehow GPU memory was filled and after the restarted, it wasnt.
Maybe other programs used some VRAM? I had Photoshop and Capture one open. But I do have that open now that the scene is rendering problemless too.
I do have this occuring occasionally. A scene doesnt render. I restart either 3ds max or the whole PC and then it renders.
Can we solve this somehow, please?
Like vray puring vram for rendering, or some way to analyze whats going on...