My workflow is strictly GPU these days and doing some stuff with Vrayfur. Is this Difference between the CPU Left and GPU right "VRayShadowMap" related which is not supported on the GPU according to doc files, or am I missing something since Vrayfur is supported on the gpu .
I have an interior scene where I just cant get the look im going for with Vrayfur on the GPU - Is this expected?
Regular Hdri from Hdrihaven box 50x50cm with standard Vraymtl on fur and box. Default GPU/CPU render settings on screenshot
Kind regards MDM
My workflow is strictly GPU these days and doing some stuff with Vrayfur. Is this Difference between the CPU Left and GPU right "VRayShadowMap" related which is not supported on the GPU according to doc files, or am I missing something since Vrayfur is supported on the gpu .
I have an interior scene where I just cant get the look im going for with Vrayfur on the GPU - Is this expected?
Regular Hdri from Hdrihaven box 50x50cm with standard Vraymtl on fur and box. Default GPU/CPU render settings on screenshot
Kind regards MDM