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GPU rendering .PNG-transpareny

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  • GPU rendering .PNG-transpareny

    V-ray 4.2 for Sketchup GPU rendering does not handle transparency well. When I pace a png.texture with a logo on a surface then when rendering with CUDA the transparency surounding the image / logo gets black in the render. When I render just with CPU all goes well. Image 3 is a screenshot of Sketchup where you see in the outliner that there are 2 components. The logo-component has exactly the same shape and roundings as the gas-tank and is placed 0,5 mm away from the gas-tank surface. On the 2 render-images you see clearly the difference.
    You could say, why making a fuss, but rendering with CUDA, specially when you have a powerful GPU, goes way faster. For 1 image CPU is ok, but I need to render an animation of 1200 images. Time is money.

  • #2

    Try to reverse the faces(select the faces > right-click > reverse) of the text's plane.
    If this doesn't work, please share the file so I can investigate it on my side.
    If this is alright, please use the Pack Project tool(Extensions > V-Ray > Pack Project) to make an archived copy of the project and send it to us via the link below.


    • #3
      It has to do something with the Car Pain material. Please try with the default Car Paint.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2022-03-22 at 11.09.06.png
Views:	170
Size:	307.2 KB
ID:	1143318

      Let me know if this resolves it.


      • #4

        Thank you for reporting this!
        The issue is reported under SK-3826
        It is happening because of the stochastic layer in the car paint. One workaround is to use car paint from the library without a stochastic layer.

