Using 3dsMax Vray 7 GPU, Ive come up on a big bug where any osl map won't render in the bump slot. Diffuse/ExtraTex work fine though, so I know the maps are working/supported...
In a interactive render it works as well. But when doing a render the bump will go blank even though it shows up in the extra tex. I've attached a video and file demonstrating this bug. Would be crucial to get a fix for this.
Using 3dsMax Vray 7 GPU, Ive come up on a big bug where any osl map won't render in the bump slot. Diffuse/ExtraTex work fine though, so I know the maps are working/supported...
In a interactive render it works as well. But when doing a render the bump will go blank even though it shows up in the extra tex. I've attached a video and file demonstrating this bug. Would be crucial to get a fix for this.