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Displacement bug with polygon selection

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  • Displacement bug with polygon selection

    Hi All!
    We've recently discovered a strange bug with the geometry tags displacement feature.
    I've attached an image of the issue and a simplified scene file.

    I have an object that was created from multiple elements. Each different element has a selection tag and a different coloured material applied to it I wanted to add displacement to the front red surface, so i created a geometry tag, with a vraymultisubtext set to polygon selection mode. I added the red material as the "reference material" and created a noise shader in the texture slot, with the required polygon selection.

    The issue is that there is displacement on the "Text" element, even though it is not included in the selected polygons and in now way should it be displaced.
    It feels like tis shouldn't be the way it works. Also if i add a different displacement to the "text" polygon selection the first sub-texture still applies the displacement.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	vr6_c4d_202322_displacement_bug_01.png
Views:	247
Size:	960.2 KB
ID:	1194276
  • Answer selected by viktor_angelov at 07-11-2023, 06:18 AM.

    Hello akos_kiss Please be aware that at this point V-Ray Geometry tag is not supported with the Polygon Selection tag. This is why some unusual outcomes might appear.

    We have the ability for the V-Ray displacement to work with polygon selections logged in our system [VC4D-613]. We will reach out to you if the matter is further developed.


    • #2
      Hello akos_kiss

      Thank you for sharing this with us! Let me investigate the situation and I will come back to you.


      • #3
        Hello akos_kiss Please be aware that at this point V-Ray Geometry tag is not supported with the Polygon Selection tag. This is why some unusual outcomes might appear.

        We have the ability for the V-Ray displacement to work with polygon selections logged in our system [VC4D-613]. We will reach out to you if the matter is further developed.


        • #4
          Hello akos_kiss We investigated your scene. Please, be aware that the Displacement Shift value was affecting the outcome. If you set it to 0 the result is as you expect:


          • #5
            Hello viktor_angelov,
            Thank you for the update! i'll keep this in mind, but the shift option is really useful most of the time.

