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Finalrender stage 1 v Vray
Forgive me PENdzel
but can you get the material more real world and realistic.
my butt would slip right off that sofa...
Finalrender - Vray show down thing I like about the finalRender renders that I've seen so far, is that they are alot more colourfull. Vray seems to completely kill the colour being bounced around for some reason. I know alot of you guys keep wanting a saturation controll for secondary bounces in vray mainly for desaturating the light, but imho, real world light is very colourfull. (At least in my world). (Basically validating the saturation controll request, though I would most likely add more saturation instead of desaturating ).Signing out,
i think these tests are useless, sorry. all renderer are great tools. brazil, vray, fR....they all have advantages and disadvantages and they all cook with water. i´m now very deep into vray, so why change ? the quality and the speed of these three renderer are not 100% different from each other. okay, here and there they have a focus on something special and the user normaly knows what he wants to do and chooses from this point his favorit renderer. for me it´s vray, other users have a different history or do other pictures. maybe for them fR would be better...or brazil, or even the scanline )
Well, not that I'm biased towards one or the other but I really think it would be nice to turn this thread into a serious, independent test: one in which to make an informed conclusion. I'm sure both fR and VRay's coder have worked hard to create solid tools and throwing tests without considering the delicacies/particularities of each one would be like testing which "performs better in an underperforming environment" and this is not truly reliable as a benchmark .
It's really nice to see initiatives like this!!, but I'm afraid it can well turn into a self-congratulatory affirmation of each one's buying decision (it would be the same in the fR forum, BTW).
Personally, I don't really care about the future of each company, or how "cool" they are; I am much more interested in taking a look at the transparent, non-biased comparison that so many people, in different forums, ask about.
I'm expecting fR in the next days and I have Vray demo, but I would expect my conclusions to be widely unfounded since I don't really take out the most of VRay. Instead, I would LOVE to see analyses by Suurland or Schoerlby (or EGZ, but I'm not aware of his use of fR) since they have used both and these guys have a relatively high technical knowledge.
Just my 2 cents...