as i said....this scene is NOT OPTIMIZEDD for rendertests. dicplacement can be rendered much faster than in this scene. it was just so show the materials, nothing more
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grazing sheeps - grass mats for vray
I did a test also but with a different scene...
for close ups is very hard to give the grass a high quality result
but if you look from a far distance point the results are very convincing.
this is the result:
rendertime: 1min. 35 sec. (close-up).
rendertime: 1min. 58 sec. (Incremental add to current map).
C&C are welcome!
hmmm something dont seem right here. i logged onto my machine at home via VNC, and rendered the grass scene, everything was at the settings stored in the file, i didnt change a thing.
The render time was 51mins!!! MY comp is a AMD 2700 1GBram win2k.
Doesnt it seem a little odd that it took so long on my machine?!?!?
Thanks for the share. your grass looks really nice.Alejandro Gonzalez
Zerofractal - Visual Communications
New Website!
Originally posted by metroberlinyes, but then please build a new scene. this one is not suitable for a benchmark
Thanks ...btw your not using a stored IR map are you?
why is my puter being beaten by all these slower P4's? is it because Vray displacement hates AMD's or something....very strange IMHO
yeah i realise all that....(comon knowledge) but if you compare an athlon and a pentium of the same ghz the athlon will be faster because it has more instructions per cycle. So an AMD 3200 is meant to be roughly equivilent to a Pentum 4 3.2ghz, even tho the AMD has a much lower GHZ it is able to perfom at a on par with the p4.
So my athlon 2700+ is roughly as powerful as a Pentium4 2.8ghz (without HT) even tho my ghz is only 2.165 (or so)
So i should easily be able to beat the render time of your 1.9ghz
BTW what i meant by slower p4's was that their performance was less than my CPU, not the actual ghz speed. And if i say faster i mean that my computer performs faster than a slower p4...make sense....hmmmm maybe not ...LOL