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  • Atrium


    a little wip on our last work

    C&C welcome

    good week-end

    Architecture & design Sàrl
    global solution for architecture

  • #2
    beauty but... I don't like RPC's and the top of image looks a bit toony don't you think?
    Luke Szeflinski
    :: cgi


    • #3
      Agreed, nice all around. There must be a better way to get people in.
      I see alot of nice shots but when adding RPC or just post-in images
      they tend to detract from otherwise fine images.
      Keep it up.

      Like the tree, where is it from? It does not look RPC, blends well with the
      "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


      • #4
        Originally posted by Dman3d
        Agreed, nice all around. There must be a better way to get people in.
        I agree w/ you dman3d......I've been searching the web left and right for some really good 3d a lot of "cartoony" and low poly ones that would detract from a realistic image coming out of vray........damn, especially when you have clients that DEMAND people in there.
        Somebody could make a toon of money making highly realistic human models and selling them...cause i couldn't find any really good ones.

        Ironically, there used to be a time before any of the highend renders, where the RPC people used to look TOO realistic in a max rendering is the other way around....they tend to detract from the realism. Intersting how that got flipped around....

        anyway, let me know if anyone finds GOOD 3d people models....



        • #5
          simply fantastic.
          can u share ur glass material?
          i liked ur proportion of reflection/refraction of the glass.


          • #6
            Did someone try Poser 5 people?

            Poser 5 allows good skin/face texturing while managing realistic clothes...


            • #7
              Vince, those are fantastic rendering! you really made me want to switch to VRAY. WOW. But word of others, I agree the RPC people aren't good, they look distracting as they look like they don't fit in there.

              Some people suggested to use poser, but I always found poser to be a rendering HOG, that have too much polygon, and look too CG-ish.. not realistic.

              I think you should try this :


              They have some great 3D realistic human model, and they are very low in polygon count so it should render really fast and have minimal impact on your render time. Plus, it will have correct lighting (unlike those 2D billboard people)
              There are couple you can get for free to try out too !

              Hope that help.

              OH, and please post the updated image! I am really interested how VRay handle those models.


              for more information !!


              • #8
                GOOOOD STUFF !!

                Thanks !


                • #9
                  thanks for yours reply

                  ok, you'r right rpc is not very famous i try your link later Richard.

                  for my setting of glass :

                  little update

                  good evening


                  PS for the tree, i use easynat from
                  Architecture & design Sàrl
                  global solution for architecture


                  • #10
                    You know, I gotta say, those image just look flawless!.. except those RPC people LOL..

                    Those eznet plants look fantastic when they are rendered with VRAY, I never seen CG plants catches light like that. Marvelous image Vince!
                    All the more I like to see those lowpolygon3D put in there hehe..


                    • #11
                      What do you mean by eznet plants......never heard of it
                      Can you explain?


                      • #12
                        I think he meant easyNAT plants.

                        At there are various types of plugs for Max. There's NATfx and easyNAT. Both are plants and trees models with texturing that you can place inside your scene


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Richard McCarthy

                          I think you should try this :


                          They have some great 3D realistic human model, and they are very low in polygon count so it should render really fast and have minimal impact on your render time. Plus, it will have correct lighting (unlike those 2D billboard people)
                          The have potential....but they don't have enough models and diverse enough at this point.....however they seem a better solution then RPC most of the time.....although we'll have to wait for more models.

                          thanks for the link!



                          • #14
                            its really a shame. somebody does a really good job, rendering a building, and in the end it´s all about the the people. -
                            thats the big drawback with arch.-vis. but strangely enough, when you look at architectural magazines you hardly ever find people in them. but those magazines are mainly for architects ( or architecture students ) i suppose.
                            originally those people in architectural drawings were meant to give it some sense of scale that everone could relate to easily. but that purpose got lost. nowadays they are happy shoppers, trying to lure possible customers.
                            thats what you get when real-estate people are making art-direction.
                            being an architect by education myself, i found this hunt for happy shopping people so frustrating that i stopped doing arch-vis all together.

                            i´m a much happier man now,


                            • #15
                              Richard Thanks for the post I'll check those out, BUT at the moment I'm wondering whats better than RPC.

                              With vince_1972 Images (& I think it's a great render ) the people have been photographed indoors so the girl looks a bit outofplace, in these cases(outdoors) I use a still that has been shot outside. What I do with RPC People is use RGB Tint to get rid of the red (got to balance this with too blue/green) and then they look fine.

