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  • bedroom

    hello mates,
    i've been working at this bedroom, rendering it with photonmaps at secound bounce. Well i liked light, but as you can see, there are some blotches next ceiling and next windows.

    Would like to know where could i improve to cut of this weird stufs

    natal - brazil

  • #2
    Can you post your settings too?



    • #3
      there are setting

      i render with check samples turn on too, there is needed?
      natal - brazil


      • #4
        1. bounces and retrace bounces should be the same (like 10 or so)

        2. retrace treshold better 0

        3. check sore direct light, convex hull... and convert to irradiance map (!!!)

        4. with search distance 50 and max density 10, many details will get lost. better use 10,2 oder even 5,1 deüending on how many lights are in your scene and how many subdiv. they have.

        5. turn the subd. of the diffuse level of you light much higher (vray properties)

        6. when storing the shadwos with irradiance map, then use higher smpling subdivs. (like 50-90)

        7. better use lower multipl. for the light and use the colourmapping to get a brighter image

        8. and watch over you units settings

        just a few things for the start.....goncalo, i hope you dont mind


        • #5
          oh sorry, my keyboard was hanging at some parts


          • #6
            gosh!!! metroberlin, only thing that i can say... thanks a lot. Will try to render and post here the new one.

            natal - brazil


            • #7
              but, tell me one more again folowing this steps, my render time will increase too? because i am really affraid of this
              natal - brazil


              • #8
                maybe...depending on your scene. if you want, send it to me...i will set it up


                • #9
                  i really would love

                  send file yet!
                  thanks bud for your help
                  natal - brazil


                  • #10
                    okay...mybe i´m able to do it...i´ll send you a message later the day. what max version do you use ?


                    • #11
                      hehe... careful what you wish for...

                      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                      • #12
                        hehe,´s just that i work with max 5.1 and maybe he can´t read it later...


                        • #13
                          hey, i work also with max 5.1...
                          natal - brazil


                          • #14

                            here´s the testpic. i threw out the obejcts and placed in some dummies. there are a few problems with some materials of your objects. you use many standard materials which causes some problems with photons. better use just vray materials. i tested it with the original objects and the rendertime is not much longer, but it causes some spots. when you change the materials it will work. but the main focus was on the light settings and these can be seen in the file i sent you...and in the picture above. there are just 2 skylightportals and all multiplier are 1. as you can see the shadows are better know and i think even the colourbleeding and the ambient is more realistic, but that´s a matter of taste you will the receive the file per mail....

                            rendertime with photons, irradiance and rendering 12min


                            • #15

                              Very good Improvement Metroberlin, could you post the settings to see the changes or better sill the file you used with dummy objects to see what did you to make the scene better?

                              thanks for your help.


