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Asphalt Roof Edge

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  • #31
    Yes it may have to be on the list to get shortly. After a new RTX 2080 Ti which is screaming at me right now to buy it.....
    I would press pay now but I'm unsure whether my MB will support it....but that's for another thread I can compose after the pub tonight

    On the subject of roofing, I have for a long time had multiple roof tile objects that I made that I can simply import, align to roof planes and then slice as I need. Works efficiently for me and
    the main reason I do it this way is I can avoid the issue whereby the booleans of Railcone can not cap the ends properly (it's been a while since I tried it out so maybe not any more).

    Scratch that last comment as it was actually Batzal Roof Designer than did this capping thing. Don't bother with that any more It was the reason I decided to make my own method.

    Railclone is clearly the option here.
    Last edited by fixeighted; 14-02-2019, 09:30 AM.


    • #32
      Bobby, if you have Railclone - going through 2-3 tutorials will take you 1 hour, after that you will be able to do any roof. Actually, you just create 2-3 templates and there you go. Don't understand the struggle, really
      Available for remote work.
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      • #33
        Originally posted by Oleg_Budeanu View Post
        Bobby, if you have Railclone - going through 2-3 tutorials will take you 1 hour, after that you will be able to do any roof. Actually, you just create 2-3 templates and there you go. Don't understand the struggle, really
        Simple roofs are easy. It's the complex roofs that take way to much time, considering I once had a script that did it automatically.
        Bobby Parker
        phone: 2188206812

        My current hardware setup:
        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
        • ​Windows 11 Pro


        • #34
          The first thing I did when I bought Railclone 4 years or so ago was create my own rooftile presets (there weren't any at the time. In the meantime I have like 10 presets I created myself). Last time I had a project with 10 houses with roofs with all different slopes etc, and it took me only 20 minutes to create all the roofs. Itoosoft made sure that it's dead easy. I remember before I had like 30 different railclone objects, for each roof slope one, but they've added a few things and now you need only 1 railclone object for all the different slopes. It's just a matter of watching a few videos and understanding a bit how it works. And if you're too lazy to create your own preset then just use one that's already there and modify it a bit.



