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Dell 30" LCD monitor

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  • Dell 30" LCD monitor

    Just ordered one of these suckers today.

    Has anyone got one yet?

    There is meant to be a upgraded model coming out early next year (its currently only available packaged with a XPS systems thru dell)

    The newer model(3007WFP-HC) has:
    1. A better/different backlight system
    2. Significantly high color range (currently 72% of the NTSC color range, new one has 95%)
    3. Faster response time. 8ms instead of 11ms.

    Plus im hoping it has more inputs other than just DVI-D
    As I will most likely upgrade when that one comes out maybe in the first half of next year and would like to run my xbox360 thru it aswell without needing a $400 converter.

    So just wondering if anyone has one, got any opinions..etc..etc..

  • #2
    I got an Apple 23" and I compared the apple with dell 24" and Apple 30" with Dell 30" far I can tell you that in terms of quality they look the same....very nice image definition and colors!!! I love it.
    I paid for my 23" almost the same price that the 30" is right now!!!...everytime when I go the Apple store I got an impulse to buy the 30" but I wanna die for natural reasons (my wife would kill me)

    enjoy it for all of us!!!
    show me the money!!


    • #3
      did you win the lottery or something mate???


      • #4
        I believe the Apple has a lower contrast ratio.
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


        • #5
          I thought they were the same panel, just that dell inflate numbers.


          • #6
            Nope. This guy seems to have gone insane and summarized a lot of points with some seeming bias towards Apple (I can't vouch if any of this is true - he just talks so much it makes one wonder):

            LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
            HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
            Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


            • #7
              They are not quite the same panel, i heard apple is using an older version of the one dell is using. So although its the same brand its not the exact same panel.

              Cant wait to get it. And I will definitly enjoy it muchly. Expect pictures


              • #8
                they are samsung panel.IMO
                You are F......g lucky man mate .
                Don't buy Apple they steal you!


                • #9

                  Yeah samsung.. thats it.. i think.. hahah

                  Why thank you

                  No way.. it would be such a waste of money
                  For me here in Australia, the Dell one cost me $1998.70, the Apple one cost $3,199.00!!! NO WAY
                  So expensive for basically the exact same thing..

                  And when the Dell upgraded one comes out it will be KING!!!


                  • #10
                    Super jealous Where did you hear about next years upgraded model? Any idea if this will apply to their 24" panels as well.
           - "That's a very nice rendering, Dave. I think you've improved a great deal." - HAL9000... At least I have one fan.


                    • #11
                      i got myself some nice acer lcd's 19"W which im so prowd of hehe. i dont have money for anything larger at the moment and this i got for 250$USD

                      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                      stupid questions the forum can answer.


                      • #12
                        Was originally trolling thru Dells site looking at some tech manuals, and came across one that mentioned the model number 3007WFP-HC (the screen im getting doesnt have HC at the end) and with abit of googling was able to find many sites with a fair amount of info.
                        Its getting a real boost.
                        And AFAIK the 24's are not being changed, but thats just an assumption.

                        WOw, thats a pretty damn good price!!


                        • #13
                          My colleage (boss) has one since 1 months and it truly is magnificant !! Especially with the Quaddro FX 4500 / 512 MB card in it. (somewhere around 2500x1400 pixels)

                          And playing COD 2 on that screen is like a dream come true.

                          My other colleage and i have to do it with the Dell's 24" widescreens

                          Hope u may enjoy it as much as my colleage does !


                          • #14
                            hehehe cool.
                            Yeah im gonna be running mine of a 8800gtx 768mb

                            Playing cod2 on it hey... working hard I see

                            Im sure I will enjoy it ALOT
                            You might want to let your Boss know that they will be releasing an update one with the features I mentioned in my first post.
                            As they he might buy that one when its out and give you his old one


                            • #15
                              the dell and apple panels are different.
                              The apples have a far better light distribution than the dell.
                              I have an 21inch apple at work and a 24inch dell at home. The 24 is nice size wise but the extreme left and right of the screen is noticibly bright than the centre.

                              my 2 cents
                              Chris Jackson

