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  • #16
    Originally posted by Long John
    my main complain is about this video and i still think it is useless to compare HYPER GI to NON GI.
    Yes that's true. Also there's no rendertime, I can do the same anim with stage 0 too, when I render a few days. Stage 0 has flickerfree animation, if you have enough patience that is.
    Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


    • #17
      Originally posted by Nenad
      From what I understand, Hyper-GI just means GI. Activating Hyper-GI means activating GI, nothing more.
      This is wrong. Hyper GI is different from the other GI methods in fR.
      Torgeir Holm |


      • #18
        My bad . I cannot understand what exactly "developed to solve the well known shortcomings of modern GI rendering technology" means. Did they mean animation flickering? Obviously, it sounds like a combination between Radiosity and GI ...




        • #19
          Originally posted by RErender
          On the fR forum one can hardly mention another renderer without being threatened to be banned ...
          on the brazil forum you can not mention vray or fR without some "polemic" comment from Richard Annema or Captain Drewbie.

          even if you want to discuss about render technologie.
          he always manage to give the impression brazil does it way better or when brazil does not offer this feature.... then it is not usefull at all.

          visit their chat and ask about some features vray offers and brazil does not have, you will see what i mean. LOL

          not to mention that they have banned people from their forum ( the days brazil had a frequented forum) who dare to compare brazil with vray or fR.

          i dare to say something against brazils speed and i made the mistake not to agree after a little discussion, so i was banned.
          no personal attacks from my side!
          i was asked if im a amateur and if i can use a rendere good enough to make use of brazil at all but i only gave my impression about brazil.
          i was banned for that. tztz.... lame.


          • #20
            Any interesting details would be out of my NDA, but what I can say is it works and works very well. It's fast, it's GI not some sort of self illuminated map/ luma object technology, flexible, and generally a whole lot of fun. Fun software, I must be working for Microsoft.
            Richard De Souza



            • #21

              just saw your gallery, great stuff.

              All done with 'Stage 1' I presume, the images look beautiful especially the interior images. My only question is how long did it take?

              Can you tell us how long it took to render some of those shots and your system specs. (if it doesnt go against your NDA)



              • #22
                The Stage 1 images are listed, only three images are Stage 1, many projects are still being rolled over from Stage 0. Render times are hard to comment on because at the time many features were still conceptual i.e. they worked but weren't optimized but the GI is very fast, Speed/Quality ratio that is. I won't make a comparison between FR and V-ray, I think they have different core ideas, I use both for different things, they both rock. I prefer FR when it come to polish, and that's most of my work it's just personal preference though.
                Richard De Souza



                • #23
                  That is true!

                  Stage 1 ist still Beta and there is a lot that can still happen. But even then Stage 1 is not really compare aple to Vray. It has a different approche and it's more like mentalray or brazil. That doesn't mean it's better or not. It's just different... well, NDA you know...


                  I'm registed believe me! Just miss that logo.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 3dform
                    That is true!

                    Stage 1 ist still Beta and there is a lot that can still happen.
                    a few given release dates (october, december, "soon") where missed, then edwin told the customers it´s dicreets fault that it is not released yet.

                    ... and now the customer must hear that, after month and month, it is still beta?

                    are you a stage-1 betatester 3dform?


                    • #25
                      Isn't all software that is not released yet, called 'beta'?
                      Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by flipside
                        Isn't all software that is not released yet, called 'beta'?

                        it´s a description for software thats is under development (alpha, beta, release candidates, etc.).

                        when edwin say it´s discreet fault that stage-1 is not released yet, then i wonder how this is possible when they have not finished stage-1 yet?

                        or is discreet developing stage-1?

                        for me all of edwins last words sound like the code is finish but the support board, the DCP program, the manuals etc. etc. are the problem, not the program itself.


                        • #27
                          hey all...
                          read the article carefully!!!!
                          Two methods are combined in a unique way (classic, view-independent, finite element radiosity calculations and view-dependent stochastic shading point sampling)
                          so we have here a good old Lightscape hack and something like imaps.

                          I bet that they write colorvalues to the vertices and vary them with animation. ..that's a cool idea to have a radiosity solution which "mutates" the color with time and with the change of situation.

                          They also talk about finite elements in a pushing way that i belive that neighbor vertices share informations to not start flickering...
                 | - home of hdri knowledge


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Long John
                            Originally posted by flipside
                            Isn't all software that is not released yet, called 'beta'?

                            it´s a description for software thats is under development (alpha, beta, release candidates, etc.).

                            when edwin say it´s discreet fault that stage-1 is not released yet, then i wonder how this is possible when they have not finished stage-1 yet?

                            or is discreet developing stage-1?

                            for me all of edwins last words sound like the code is finish but the support board, the DCP program, the manuals etc. etc. are the problem, not the program itself.
                            Ok after a beta there is a release candidates, but thats all!
                            And most times the release candidate will be tested not longer than 2-3 weeks till it ships.
                            Alpha means that feature are going to be developed.
                            Beta means all features, interfaces, etc. are ready. So only bug fixing will be done.

                            Stage 1 is very complex, therefor there is a lot of bug fixing to do. I think they don't want to release to many fixes afterwards. And they are very careful about testing Stage 1 interaction with other Plugins. Part of discreets new program for more stability.

                            Discreet is very lazy in doing development. Many major Bugs where discovered by Cebas in the past. Stage 0 development was many times blocked by discreet bugs and when discreet released Max 4.2 Cebas needed only a few weeks to ship FinalRender.

                            So remember just one thing: Without the contribution of so many Developers, Max would be a much worser Software.

                            I'm registed believe me! Just miss that logo.


                            • #29
                              i know what you say but.....

                              That does not really answer my questions.

                              Ok after a beta there is a release candidates, but thats all!
                              Thats only true for Stage-1, for all other software there is a FINAL after the RC´s .


                              • #30
                                Re: i know what you say but.....

                                Originally posted by Long John
                                That does not really answer my questions.

                                Ok after a beta there is a release candidates, but thats all!
                                Thats only true for Stage-1, for all other software there is a FINAL after the RC´s .
                                Is there any one who knows a Final Version? I only know RC's that are still buggy.

                                I'm registed believe me! Just miss that logo.

