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Windows 10 upgrade

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  • #31
    Hi all,
    we upgraded our two machines to windows 10 and max 2016 and we have had massive issues so far.

    Could be related to one of the plugins, it is a bit hard to pinpoint as we are using quite a few.

    Namely: Vray , Forest Pro, Railclone, Aviz, Solidrocks, Vizpark Walls & Tiles, Colorcorrect.

    When starting up max we often get a missing wrapper.dll error. The error doesn't appear at every start of max but seemingly at random. Some days are fine, others are bad. Max has also crashed a few times.

    Autodesk is trying to help but they seem rather clueless too.

    Apparently they are having a lot of support cases related to Windows 10 at the moment tho.

    So it might be worthwile not upgrading for another while

    Would be interesting to know if anyone else here has had the same error and which plugins they are using?




    • #32
      I had the wrapper error on a recent clean install and found that if I ran 3dsmax just once as administrator then it seemed to take care of the error, so far anyway

      Originally posted by Drawehn View Post
      Hi all,
      we upgraded our two machines to windows 10 and max 2016 and we have had massive issues so far.

      Could be related to one of the plugins, it is a bit hard to pinpoint as we are using quite a few.

      Namely: Vray , Forest Pro, Railclone, Aviz, Solidrocks, Vizpark Walls & Tiles, Colorcorrect.

      When starting up max we often get a missing wrapper.dll error. The error doesn't appear at every start of max but seemingly at random. Some days are fine, others are bad. Max has also crashed a few times.

      Autodesk is trying to help but they seem rather clueless too.

      Apparently they are having a lot of support cases related to Windows 10 at the moment tho.

      So it might be worthwile not upgrading for another while

      Would be interesting to know if anyone else here has had the same error and which plugins they are using?


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      • #33
        I am wondering if AD even tested MAX on Windows 10. I know there is a .net issue and they talk about it on the AD support forum. I have some issues, but nothing pertinent to Windows 10, I don't think.
        Bobby Parker
        phone: 2188206812

        My current hardware setup:
        • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
        • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
        • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
        • ​Windows 11 Pro


        • #34
          Originally posted by glorybound View Post
          I am wondering if AD even tested MAX,[...] I don't think.
          Sometimes it's just what I think....
          (Sorry for my bad english)


          • #35
            Yeah, I don't think they tested it on Windows 10 either. They aren't able to help us with our issues so far and just keep asking to do clean installs again Since both systems were set up from scratch with windows 10 and both do get the same error, I don't really get the point. Looks like they are clueless but they did tell us that lots of people are having the same issue.
            Starting Max as administrator didn't do the trick btw.
            Windows 10 has been a bit of a pain anyway. We had severe network issues as well until we figured out that we had to change the registry in order to fix them.



            • #36
              Hi Morne,
              Are you forced to choose "active hours" in the windows update settings? I render at night and I don't trust windows to "check to see if I'm running my computer"


              • #37
                There are a couple of ways to turn OFF the automatic reboot when windows 10 does an update. (Only applies to Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, previous versions of Win10 allowed user to control when the machine would reboot)

                Easiest version:
                Open Task Scheduler
                Navigate to: Task Scheduler Library / Microsoft / Windows / UpdateOrchestrator
                Select Reboot Option in Center Area
                R - Click and select Disable
                You are good to go!

                Secondly, if you have upgraded to Windows 10, I would HIGHLY recommend you do a fresh install of the OS and all of the applications. It may be a PITA, but it will save you a LOT of headaches from little annoying problems that may pop up here and there. I have do this on almost all the workstations in my office and we are running Win10 without issues. Max 2014 - 2017. I've been using Win10 for over a year and I'm very happy with the OS. You may need to take some time to "customize" it to your liking, and turn off some annoying notifications, but overall, it's a very nice upgrade.
                Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                Midwest Studios


                • #38
                  just got in to work expecting an animation to be rendered only to find windows 10 had decided to reboot... LIVID!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by peterguthrie View Post
                    just got in to work expecting an animation to be rendered only to find windows 10 had decided to reboot... LIVID!
                    Been there too. Was about to throw the whole thing through the window. Can't even begin to fathom that an OS does that while the system is clearly busy.



                    • #40
                      mmm.. that scares me !
                      What was the reason ??
                      (Sorry for my bad english)


                      • #41
                        windows 10 automatic updates than just restart the computer... no way of turning it off unless you are prepared to get your hands dirty and do what Troy described above.


                        • #42
                          Yeah, this is NEW to just Windows 10 Anniversary edition. I guess it's a feature? I can see the usefulness of such a feature for those machines that are used for standard business applications. It does prove to be a problem for those of us with render farms and workstations that are running 24/7.

                          So far so good here. If those directions don't work for some, you may need to dig a little deeper, especially those on an Active Directory Domain setup, where the group policies can override these settings.

                          It's fixable, just not as easy as being able to temporarily defer updates.
                          Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                          Midwest Studios


                          • #43
                            You should also set your server and manager to auto start if you need an animation done, in case the whole machine crashes and or there is a power out.

                            Of course if the computers come back up before the NAS, you end up with no textures.


                            • #44
                              Unfortunately the newest update to the Anniversary Edition of Windows 10 broke my V-Ray license and several other software licenses. I was able to get everything working again by rolling back Windows to an earlier build. Just a heads up to others that you may want to defer Windows 10 updates until you have the time to troubleshoot or until this latest version is more stable.

                              For what it's worth, I had license issues with V-Ray, Redshift, Hair Farm, and Houdini Indie. All of these programs viewed my machine, post anniversary edition update, as a completely different machine than pre-update.

                              max, zbrush, Substance, and a few otheres were unaffected.
                              Steve Burke


                              • #45
                                Windows restarted when I was away, causing me to miss today's deadline. What the hell is the logic in this? Where is the class action lawsuit?
                                Bobby Parker
                                phone: 2188206812

                                My current hardware setup:
                                • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                                • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                                • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                                • ​Windows 11 Pro

