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Alternative OCIO config for Max and Maya. Because there is more to display transforms than ACES is able to offer.

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  • Alternative OCIO config for Max and Maya. Because there is more to display transforms than ACES is able to offer.

    Expanding on the very limited default Autodesk offer. Based on Maya config with some functionalities from the one from Max so everyone should be fine (although I removed some not-so-common hdr displays from the config).

    added ACES 1.0 SDR-video RGC view transform.
    added sRGB ACES 1.0 - SDR Video as a colorspace.
    added filmlook01 view transform. should be a good counter balance for default ACES look.
    for Max users: Unity neutral tone-map from Maya.

    feedback is welcome. for example would and option to create your own view transform (the easy way: grade for example in Affinity, save as a lut, put it into the config folder - done) be interesting?

    filmlook01 vs aces:
    Click image for larger version  Name:	filmlook01rec709.jpg Views:	0 Size:	526.5 KB ID:	1221709 Click image for larger version  Name:	ACES 1.0 SDR-video RGC.jpg Views:	0 Size:	572.6 KB ID:	1221710

    EDIT: newer versions below.

    Attached Files
    Last edited by piotrus3333; 06-12-2024, 04:52 AM.
    Marcin Piotrowski

  • #2
    added AgX view t. by Troy Sobotka (AGX base from the original ocio version release)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by piotrus3333; 07-12-2024, 11:15 AM.
    Marcin Piotrowski


    • #3
      Thanks for all your hard work!
      I wish I understood any of this, the whole OCIO topic is still a mystery.


      • #4
        I was going to try this and see if I also can make sense of how it's used in a simple way. I note that your latest version link is not working however


        • #5
          thanks. link fixed.
          keep in mind AgX might feel a bit bland at first - this is by design - just add a pinch of contras with curves.
          Marcin Piotrowski


          • #6
            Thanks. I'll take a look in the morning.


            • #7
              Thanks for sharing! Very helpful
              Muhammed Hamed
              V-Ray GPU product specialist



              • #8
                + filmlook02
                + cinemalook01
                + Display P3 (apple)
                Attached Files
                Marcin Piotrowski


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kosso_olli View Post
                  Thanks for all your hard work!
                  I wish I understood any of this, the whole OCIO topic is still a mystery.
                  Hah! Same...I just play with things until I find a recipe that doesnt crush my brights too much, doesnt shit on my midtones, and has nice falloffs and colour / light bounces...Im not sure I'll ever grasp the inner workings of it, especially now that I work from home, solo on just about every project.


                  • #10
                    Okay, so maybe I'm a bit confused or maybe I guessed correctly, so I will say what I did and somebody can say if it is wrong or otherwise.

                    In Max's colour management I switched to Unmanaged.
                    I load the OCIO above into the vfb, setting the input space and display to sRGB, then choose one of the transforms.

                    Hopefully I got it right and will have learned something today


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by fixeighted View Post
                      Okay, so maybe I'm a bit confused or maybe I guessed correctly, so I will say what I did and somebody can say if it is wrong or otherwise.

                      In Max's colour management I switched to Unmanaged.
                      I load the OCIO above into the vfb, setting the input space and display to sRGB, then choose one of the transforms.

                      Hopefully I got it right and will have learned something today
                      input space would be scene-linear Rec.709-sRGB with this ocio config.
                      display most likely sRGB or Gamma 2.2 / Rec.709.

                      you can also just load it through 3dsMax as custom config, does not matter really.
                      Marcin Piotrowski


                      • #12
                        Those adjustments did the trick and for sure it's an improvement, so thanks for taking the time to make these posts


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by seandunderdale View Post

                          Hah! Same...I just play with things until I find a recipe that doesnt crush my brights too much, doesnt shit on my midtones, and has nice falloffs and colour / light bounces...Im not sure I'll ever grasp the inner workings of it, especially now that I work from home, solo on just about every project.
                          no need to get to deep into the math.
                          it all boils down to converting data (colour data from a render engine or camera) into nice images on screens. I think for some reason part of cgi industry not close to cinema was a bit behind in that matter. instead of copying what camera manufacturers already figured out (transition from film to digital and keeping the "look" intact as much as possible) we were using just simple S-curve based tonemapping methods.
                          calling them filmic was not enough to get us the visual quality we were used to for over one hounded years of cinema and even more of photography.

                          ocio is just convenient delivery system for all the math involved in putting data on a display. every camera is accompanied by a slew of luts that do this work and now we have streamlined access to all that and more.

                          big misconception about aces system is that we need it to get nice film-like contrast and pleasant highlight roll-off. but you can do that with a simple lut. there is probably more than 10 more established and loved "colour recipes". aces being a standard is quite an overstatement. its as standard as DWG colour space in Resolve, very similar concept just more opened.

                          regarding your recipe: do you think you could get a better looking image with AgX display transform and some curves adjustment below (so adjusting linear colour, not intuitive but you can get used to it) or aces is close enough to what you are after?
                          Marcin Piotrowski


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fixeighted View Post
                            Those adjustments did the trick and for sure it's an improvement, so thanks for taking the time to make these posts
                            do you think adjusted AgX display transform (with nice contrast added) would be more useful?
                            Marcin Piotrowski


                            • #15
                              I did noticed that while agx looked good, it did lack contrast, so I switched to aces as a preference or agx with further curves or whatever. It'd definitely be interesting to see what an adjusted agx would give.

