maybe something for Damien.
It could be nice, to start and stop the spawners at network machines. So, the user could restart a crashed spawner or if something dosn't work right, he could restart a spawner.exe per stop&start.
A tool for this wish could be the pstool from here
If psexec dosn't work, than it helps to deactivate the simple file access (I'm not sure how it looks at an english system), here the german hint I found
maybe something for Damien.
A tool for this wish could be the pstool from here
If psexec dosn't work, than it helps to deactivate the simple file access (I'm not sure how it looks at an english system), here the german hint I found
Im Explorer muss unter Extras->Ordneroptionen->Ansicht "einfache Dateifreigabe verwenden" deaktiviert werden. Dann lief alles und die Fehlermeldung "Zugriff verweigert" erschien nicht mehr.