No, its correct. I wishlisted preserve exposure earlier:
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Learning of interior rendering
Something seems messed up. I had to use an F-stop number of 0.1 and a Shutter Speed of 100,000 to get a slight DOF effect in my test scene. According to Photography & Rendering with V-Ray, the V-Ray Physical Camera should be simulating a DSLR but I don't think those numbers are even possible. Also it was taking over 30 minutes to render the same image that takes 5 seconds. I am going to render the same scene in 3ds Max with V-Ray and see if I have to use such extreme values to produce depth of field. I will let you know what I discover.
Thanks for that. Is there a math formula to figure it out because my F/Number of 0.1 is "off the charts"....which is really my point. I don't think I am seeing the "virtual camera" performing like a real camera so I am wondering what is going on. At this point though, having a math formula that would help me keep the same exposure value would be helpful. I also think something is messed up if a render that is normally 5.1 seconds to render takes over 30 minutes because of some slight DOF. That is so expensive I wouldn't ever want to even use DOF. Doesn't that sound like something might be wrong? I posted in the bug area so feel free to grab my test scene and see for yourself.
Win11 Pro 64bit, GTX 970, Standalone version: V-Ray Next 4.30.03,