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Liquid in a cyclone

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  • #31
    Oh, this resolution is really not that high, 32 gigs should be more than enough. Could you show me the Output rollout and the Simulator's Cache File Content box? If this the only simulator in the scene btw?
    Last edited by Svetlin.Nikolov; 04-02-2023, 05:16 PM.
    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


    • #32
      Thanks, are you referring these? Max had crashed during last night simulation. I think I might try other workstation with 96 GB RAM to see if that's better.


      • #33
        Ah, I also mean the Simulation rollout of the Simulator - at the bottom, there is the Cache File Content box. Please screenshot it for me.

        The caches are so small that it's very strange if you are really running out of RAM.

        Could you send me the Phoenix log file from C:\ChaosPhoenix as well? There should also be one .backup log file, please send that as well...
        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


        • #34
          Here's the screenshot requested. I also attached the logfile zipped
          Attached Files
          Last edited by JuhaHo; 05-02-2023, 04:30 AM.


          • #35
            Something very strange is happening. Could it be that the Simulator has animated scale?

            There is just 1 single simulator in the scene, correct?
            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


            • #36
              I switched to another workstation with 96 GB RAM. It has worked fine so far and lot faster too. So is it possible that 32 GB Ram is not enough for recent Phoenix builds?


              • #37
                Very unlikely, the caches are super small. From the log file it looks like it is trying to blend frames, which can happen is the Play speed is not 1.0, or if there are several interacting simulators, or if there is a grid texture involved. If you have tyFlow in the scene, maybe it could also make the simulator blend frames.

                What would happen if you do a test on the smaller machine and disable the tyFlow simulation - I think you showed a screenshot above where tyFlow was mentioned.
                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                • #38
                  I had already disabled tyFlow. On the bigger workstation simulation is continuing without any issues. I think it's consuming same amount of memory. The smaller workstation simply ran out of it. I think, the smallest useful amount of RAM might be 64 GB.


                  • #39
                    If possible, please send this scene to Support via "submit a request" to the top right of so we can find what is the thing in the scene that consumes so much ram. 19 million voxels can fit even in 4 gigs of ram, so something else is happening.
                    Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                    • #40

                      I don't think it's possible due to NDA. It seems, using the latest Phoenix builds require at least 64 GB RAM.


                      • #41
                        Phoenix definitely does not require 64 gigs of RAM. Try a toolbar preset on a brand new scene, such as the Paints preset. How much RAM does it use on your machine?

                        If it's much less, then there is something exotic happening in this scene.

                        The log shows that there is some frame blending going on. This means that the cache files are not showing on exact round frames, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, but instead are somewhere in between. This could explain why the scene uses much more RAM than usual.

                        Does your timeline look like this?
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	timeline.png
Views:	105
Size:	2.5 KB
ID:	1172543

                        or like this?
                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot_1.png
Views:	93
Size:	3.2 KB
ID:	1172544
                        Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                        • #42

                          The timeline looks like the one above. I've never seen the other one.

                          I started my current project with Paints preset. Actually the liquid should be non-newtonian., but I got better results this way.


                          • #43
                            Oh, if you have the Paints preset, then you should have a Grid Texture! Could you try something - go to the grid texture and enable the "Render-time Only" checkbox. Would this reduce the memory usage during simulation?
                            Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead


                            • #44
                              Thanks Svetlin,

                              I tested, but it didn't help at all. I still cant simulate my scenes.


                              • #45
                                Alrighty, let's approach it from a different direction: If you create a brand new scene and a Paints preset, does the error appear?
                                Svetlin Nikolov, Ex Phoenix team lead

