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steam of coffee

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  • #16
    here is the file :

    3DSMAX 2014x64
    PhoenixFD 2.2.0 rev: 24510

    thanks for your help
    GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
    freelance 3D artist


    • #17
      Hello ,

      I have create a new simulation , only Phoenix FD particles with 3DSMAX wind to add a little turbulance wind and phoenix turbulance to add turbulances aver altitude.
      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture0002.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	118.3 KB
ID:	852006

      it's looking nice.
      i discover the export to PRT option on the right click. damn ! why it is not in the phoenix simulator parameters ?

      So i export the PRT sequence and use Krakatoa to load with PRT loader.
      I add a little noise to create 10 partitions.

      Now, i don't know how to make my particle transparente at the birth and the before the death . Phoenix FD not export Ages values ..

      I switch back to vray and trying the krakatoa atmospheric tool .

      that's too bad ..

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture0003.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	122.9 KB
ID:	852007
      GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
      freelance 3D artist


      • #18
        the age is not exported? are you sure that it is checked in the source that creates the particles?
        if really the age is available in the cache file but is not present in the prt file, you can use the foam shader in point mode to render the particles, use the PA button, it will make the size animation to use particle age instead the general time.
        unfortunately we do not have partitioning, but you just can create 50M particles, they are simulated very fast and the only that you need is disk space, ensure that you have 1TB free HDD space. at least the partitioning does not produce the same quality as the natural particles.
        VRScans developer


        • #19
          Thanks, your help is very kinds !

          I've try to render like your advice. with the foam Shader . It's very nice and near of the result i want !
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture0004.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	269.2 KB
ID:	852010

          But i don't find how to create a sort of curve parameter for the size or density of the particles.
          I need the particles invisible at the First frames ( near of the coffe ) to hide where they are emmited.
          then progressively they must appear and higher i need to make thoose particle disappear
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture0005.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	278.9 KB
ID:	852011

          is it possible to render krakatoa PRT loader with PHXFoam ?
          Last edited by ghiom3d; 18-05-2014, 06:08 AM.
          GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
          freelance 3D artist


          • #20
            you have to use the size multiplier parameter. in the point shader the size is related to the alpha. animate the size multiplier and push the button PA
            about the prt rendering with the foam shader, yes it is possible
            we have a prt object in the helper section. if you have krakatoa, you can use its prt loader, what you prefer. the loader of krakatoa have more options, our is a simple one.
            Attached Files
            VRScans developer


            • #21
              I was thinking that The size multiplier acting as opacity parameter in relationship to the timeline , not the age of each particle like the Age test of particle flow .
              Good point about PRT Object , i haven't seen it . Is it possible to using magmaflow on PRT to modifying Colors over particle age with PHXFOAM ?

              Now it's look closer than what i'm need to do .
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture0006.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	105.0 KB
ID:	852015
              But i have too much little details in the steam wich make it look like a cigarette smoke .
              If i lower the celle number of the simulation by making the cells bigger, can i expect a more sweet smoke line ?

              * this is a really great piece of software !! i 'm falling in love ... and what a great help !!
              GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
              freelance 3D artist


              • #22
                I was thinking that The size multiplier acting as opacity parameter in relationship to the timeline , not the age of each particle
                the PA button switches between timeline/particle age, PA is actually abbreviation of particle age.

                But i have too much little details in the steam wich make it look like a cigarette smoke .
                If i lower the celle number of the simulation by making the cells bigger, can i expect a more sweet smoke line ?
                well, you are the first one asking for less details!
                the cell size will not work, but you can try to change the rendering mode from point to fog. the fog mode stores the particles into a grid and uses the smoke shader. beware of the grid parameters, you can easily overload the ram if the cell is too small.
                VRScans developer


                • #23
                  Originally posted by ghiom3d View Post
                  Is it possible to using magmaflow on PRT to modifying Colors over particle age with PHXFOAM ?[/I]
                  To modify the colors over age, you'll have to simulate with the "Export age" checkbox, turned on (it is located in the PHXSource).
                  Once the simulation is completed, export the phoenix particles to a .prt format (right click the simulator - "Phoenix FD Export Particles").
                  Then you load these particles again using the PRTLoader and add the magma modifier.
                  Tsvetan Milanov


                  • #24
                    hello again,

                    i need a little explanation about how to change the size over age with Size multiplier and the PA option .

                    My PHXsource is brush / 3300 particles / type Drag / lifespan 60 / export ID and Export age .
                    I calculate the simulation ..
                    then i set up my PHXFoam : refractive index 1.148 / size multiplier PA / mode point

                    i go to the curve editor and add 4 key in the time line.
                    Frame O value 0
                    Frame 20 value 0
                    Frame 55 value 1
                    Frame 60 value 0

                    i don't see the evolution of the size .. it's 1 everywhere even from particle life from 0 to 20 .
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Capture0007.PNG
Views:	1
Size:	109.6 KB
ID:	852026
                    GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
                    freelance 3D artist


                    • #25
                      i just tested it and the age export is apparently broken
                      the option works with PF particles but not with phoenix particles, i will fix it today and you can try with the tomorrows nightly, you have to resimulate to fix the problem
                      VRScans developer


                      • #26
                        Thanks you !! i understand now
                        i hope to have access to the nightly build
                        GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
                        freelance 3D artist


                        • #27
                          ask the support for the nightlies
                          VRScans developer


                          • #28
                            Fine, i will wait for tomorrow now
                            GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
                            freelance 3D artist


                            • #29
                              the bug is fixed, it's not the export, no need to resimulate.
                              VRScans developer


                              • #30
                                I will try it now thanks you Sooooooo much

                                ... i'm sure i'm to fast. i'm must let you time to made it
                                Last edited by ghiom3d; 20-05-2014, 06:29 AM.
                                GHiOM = Guillaume Gaillard
                                freelance 3D artist

