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Problem with molotow-cocktail - liquid through wall

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  • #16
    Yeah, it is definitely a difference if my scene is big or small. The real-size scene does not work, the scene where I made a rescale world units down to 0.1 works - but the fluid behaves expectable different - but wrong for my purposes...


    EDIT: GOT IT! I have to crank up the discharge for the eraser...
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Sascha Selent; 16-01-2013, 04:25 AM.


    • #17
      By the way: if I have FDs visible where I have to hide them, I could use the rendering-gizmo to clip everything behind the wall, right?


      • #18
        I really have an issue with simulating: After some time working my sim needs 10sec/f - opening the scene on a fresh bootet machine the same scene sims with 1,5sec/F

        Does anyone else experience that?


        • #19
          oh, this is the brush/scale issue, it is fixed in my build, but in the official release is not. just set the discharge of the brush to some high value, 100000 or more
          VRScans developer


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
            oh, this is the brush/scale issue, it is fixed in my build, but in the official release is not. just set the discharge of the brush to some high value, 100000 or more
            Yeah, got that, thank you.

            Here is my progress so far:

            Not too bad, but it seems that a lot of material is lost in the moment of impact. Is this true or does it only feel like this?

            Now I plan to use this sim to discharge more fluid in the moment of impact that splashes furthermore through the scene - or I just use a standard PFlow to add some splashes. Or can I emit a lot of splashes in the moment of impact from this sim? Can splashes emit fire?

            Do you have any suggestions?

            I also will try to achieve this with fuel to let the burning be driven by the fuel - do you think this is a good idea, or should I leave it done with temperature and use the liquid sims to emit fire at a certain moment?




            • #21
              Here is a version with the fluid only:


              • #22
                yes, the part that penetrates the wall disappears for sure. i'm thinking about different approach - stop the grid movement when it reaches the wall, but before the liquid contact. this means to disconnect the bottle and the simulator in this moment and the rest of the bottle movement will be performed in static simulator. this will ensure that no liquid will penetrate the wall, but there will be some liquid penetrating the bottle walls. you can of course use the same trick to remove it, or just let it go, it will take just one or two frames and may be invisible. this approach enables you to use wetting and the therefore a good burning track over the wall.
                VRScans developer


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                  stop the grid movement when it reaches the wall, but before the liquid contact. this means to disconnect the bottle and the simulator in this moment and the rest of the bottle movement will be performed in static simulator
                  Understood. I´ll give it a try.

                  Right now I´m trying to make an advantage of the disappearing - to drive a static simulator liquid from the bottle liquid with as much liquid I need - with wetting - that spreads nicely around, wetting the wall - and therefore giving a good burning track again. I think for this second liquid I can use fuel to enable its burning feature...


                  Ivaylo, without your support I would have been doomed with this...


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                    stop the grid movement when it reaches the wall, but before the liquid contact. this means to disconnect the bottle and the simulator in this moment and the rest of the bottle movement will be performed in static simulator.

                    I tried this, but it does not work. The moment the simulator stops it seems that the liquid looses its speed. It just falls straightward down as if it wasn´t flying at all...

                    Did I get something wrong?

                    Thank you.


                    EDIT: Uh, oh, wait, I had by accident some crazy amount of gravity in my scene...
                    Last edited by Sascha Selent; 21-01-2013, 07:05 AM.


                    • #25
                      I guess you increassed the gravity to have some weight for the liquid inside the flying bottle. If it wasn't artisticly animated, the liquid should float inside the thrown bottle as it follows the same momentum .. or something... If my physics are not too wrong.
                      Kind regards, Wolf S./K.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by 3dwolf View Post
                        I guess you increassed the gravity to have some weight for the liquid inside the flying bottle.
                        No, it was because I tested around for the second iteration of liquid - additional drops emitted by the initial fluid - and I forgot to set it back...


                        • #27
                          Problem with animated playspeed

                          Okay, here we go: I have a problem with animated playspeed. When I make it too slow, I get this weird result:

                          Animated the playspeed down from 1 to 0 over 35 frames.


                          • #28
                            Problem with animated playspeed

                            And if I do it over 10 frames it´s alright:

                            May this have to do with the fact that I animate nearly at the end of the sim-input?

                            I have a simulation from frame -100 to 300 - the keyframes for the playspeed 1 to 0 are at ff260 (1) and ff295 (0).

                            Does Phoenix need some footage around?




                            • #29
                              what blending method are you using?
                              VRScans developer


                              • #30
                                Hi Ivaylo.

                                Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                                what blending method are you using?
                                I tried both - linear and velocity - both with comparable weird results - but it´s not that critical. I stop the playspeed much earlier before the simend and there it makes no problem...

