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Problem with molotow-cocktail - liquid through wall

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  • #31
    nevertheless we have to find the reason for this behavior
    VRScans developer


    • #32
      Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
      nevertheless we have to find the reason for this behavior
      Second that. Shall I give you the scene?


      • #33
        first we will try to reproduce it
        VRScans developer


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
          first we will try to reproduce it

          Were you able to reproduce this behavior?



          • #35
            not yet, but we didn't try it, just scheduled.
            VRScans developer


            • #36
              Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
              not yet, but we didn't try it, just scheduled.
              Yeah, okay, if I have problems with that issue, I will report them. I have to do several more playspeed-animations due to a bullet-time-shot with 4 simulators...


              • #37

                An idea: wouldn´t it be great to have some proxy-functionality? My scene has now several sims with multi-million cells - an animating the scene is a real pain! If there was a possibility to use proxy-sims just for the viewport-display - with waaay downscaled resolution for the grid - that would be incredible!

                It might be even possible to take the high-res-simulation to generate a low-res-version from that. So you have to simulate only once.

                In the output-module there could be a "Generate proxy" option with half/third/quater/eighth settings - generating a similar named output with "proxy_half" suffix or something...

                ...and in the input there might be the usual proxy-functionality - "Use proxy" - "Choose proxy" - "use for rendering", etc.

                What do you think?



                • #38
                  yes, this feature is already discussed, and it will be implemented. of course not a different file, just a small copy in the same file.
                  VRScans developer


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                    yes, this feature is already discussed, and it will be implemented. of course not a different file, just a small copy in the same file.

                    But doesn´t that mean that the whole file has to be loaded? With a sim with 80MB per frame - nearly 2Gigs/s @ 24fps the - HDD is the bottleneck - LAN is much worse. With several simulators of that size it gets horrible...


                    • #40
                      yes, the main idea is to skip the loading, because it is slow for large sims, even if no further processing is carried out
                      VRScans developer


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                        yes, the main idea is to skip the loading, because it is slow for large sims, even if no further processing is carried out
                        So only a fragment of the *.aur-file has to be loaded?


                        • #42
                          yes, this is technically no problem. now even if you have reduced preview, it loads and uncompresses the entire data, that is slow.
                          VRScans developer


                          • #43
                            Problem with Anim Index


                            Aaaargh, so here I have the problem with changing the playspeed again! Remember?

                            Here is a preview of my scene:

                            You see that there are jerks and jumps in the sim.

                            I animated the Anim Index - but at the moment it does no changes -I have a stright line from -100/-100 to 2000/2000 - what means that I do not have any timechange at the moment - but the jerks happen...

                            This makes my blood freeze - I have to deliver end of february!



                            • #44
                              I hoped that it would not happen on render, but here is the renderresult:

                              It´s even worse! The anim is really jerky!


                              What do you think could be the problem?
                              • I have sims starting at -100
                              • I have multiple sims with different sim-start-stopframes (I just deleted all except one - no changes)
                              • I set the playspeed to 0 and use only the anim index (tried this, doesn´t change)
                              • I also reduced the simulation-speed (not playspeed)
                              • Max 2012

                              Wow, I really need a solution for this or I really get in trouble!

                              Do you have any ideas for fixing / workaround?

                              I´ll try to reproduce it with a simple scene...

                              Thank you Ivaylo!
                              Last edited by Sascha Selent; 06-02-2013, 02:20 AM.


                              • #45
                                Doesn´t the Anim Index use blending? Only the Play speed?

                                I cannot reproduce. Could it be that these may be frames where I paused the sim to testrender or to render a preview? Or maybe restoring? I did this several times, especially when max crahsed....
                                Last edited by Sascha Selent; 06-02-2013, 03:22 AM.

