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Freeze Frame with motion blur

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  • Freeze Frame with motion blur

    I am trying to use a single freeze frame of some smoke and a bunch of particles. I am saving the velocity channel, and I load it back in with the Direct Frame option.

    On the render farm I get flickering of the motion blur, even though all the nodes use the same source "Frame" of the simulation. Are there some magic settings to prevent this and get frozen motion blur where you can move the camera through it?

    Last edited by Joelaff; 15-10-2014, 08:07 PM.

  • #2
    you mean flickering when the camera is moving? we will try to reproduce this.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      Yes. I *Think* increasing the save quality to 20 helps, but it could be a coincidence. The issue doesn't seem to be tied to a particular render node.

      I believe I even saw the particles change position without motion blur, but far less.

      I think I will save the particle with Krakatoa and load them back in with a PRTLoader as a workaround.


      • #4
        You guys have any luck reproducing this?

        I ended up use Krakatoa to export the particles and re-load them back in with a PRTLoader. I then fed this to the same PHXFoam I was using for rendering. This method is perfectly stable (though requires a working license of Krakatoa).


        • #5
          ok, still not reproduced but the info that exporting it and reimporting fixes the issue is important.
          VRScans developer


          • #6
            Here is the AUR file I was using as the freeze frame. This one is at quality 20, I think. It still exhibited the problem though.

            Max or VRay Camera. Motion blur ON. Do a slight camera move. VRay 3.0.8. Do a slight camera move. I had the particles fed into a PHXFoam. I had the issue with the PhoenixFD on or off (with the just the particles from the foam I mean).



            • #7
              thanks for the file!
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                We still cannot reproduce the issue with the AUR file you sent us.
                Would it be possible to send us a reproducible max-scene along with the output frames from your environment?
                Let us know which version/service pack of Phoenix FD/3DSMax/OS are you using.

                When rendering on the farm are you using any render manager or V-Ray DR?
                Have you got the same issue if you render the animation locally on a single machine?

                Thank you very much in advance.
                Svetlozar Draganov | Senior Manager 3D Support | contact us
                Chaos & Enscape & Cylindo are now one!

