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Initial fill with objects

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  • Initial fill with objects

    How do I stop the fluid expanding and exploding across the whole grid?

    left frame 1 - right frame 3

    Click image for larger version

Name:	riverFill.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	173.4 KB
ID:	880888

    Source for this object is set to brush, velocity 0
    Last edited by magilla; 22-10-2014, 12:21 AM.

  • #2
    is the object put in non solid mode?
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      the emitting object? Yes.

      rmb > phoenix properties > Solid Object - unchecked


      • #4
        no idea then, if it's possible send us the scene for investigation
        VRScans developer


        • #5
          yep, It's a mystery. If I can't work out what I'm doing wrong I'll send it through.


          • #6
            So I tried the initial fill from the liquid panel but when simulating the fluid just sits there. The grid is open on all sides but the fluid doesn't go anywhere, just sits in a mostly static block - shouldn't it drain away through the bottom of the grid?


            • #7
              yes, that behavior is as expected, when the grid has open boundaries the liquid is supported by pressure in order to arrange ocean simulations. just send us some scene, no need to be the production one, create any simple scene and set it to fill any object with liquid. we will tell you what is wrong and you will be able to fix the setup in the production scene
              VRScans developer


              • #8
                I increased the resolution, set conservation to smooth, advection to 'forward transfer' and it considerably removes the explosive affect of the initial fill. With strong surface mode on it works even better. However, all of these settings are not necessarily optimal for the actual simulation. I wonder if a 'pre-roll' option for the sim would be useful? A specified frame range with certain pre-roll settings that then switch over to the actual simulation settings for the sim range.


                • #9
                  strong surface mode produces oily liquid, you will be not satisfied if the goal is a river
                  and you can change the setting during the simulation, but i don't recommend to change the conservation method or advection method.
                  VRScans developer

