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New batch of Gnomon DVDs (inlcudes GI with Vray)

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  • #76
    Just to remind .... tomorow is 5th of December ...


    • #77
      Chris, great cd looking forward for more. it also expanded my
      knowlegde. Would love to see something on creating Vray materials
      or shaders or materials in general. keep up the good work!


      • #78
        Hey Chris,
        I just wanted to leave you some feedback regarding your Global Illumination: Interiors DVD.

        I just finished watching it about an hour ago and I found it very instructive. In particular, you've demystified the light cache for me and most importantly, helped me finally get my head around the concept of working in linear color space. Though my brain is now full and I suspect I'll have to watch both the Exterior and Interior titles again sometime soon to take in things I may have missed and to reinforce some concepts.

        I'm looking forward to applying what I've learned to my own projects. Perhaps one of these days, I'll feel confident enough to post some renders that don't pale too much in comparison to the high quality work found on this forum.

        Thank you so much for creating these DVDs. If you make more VRay titles in the future, I'll certainly purchase them as well.


        • #79
          Originally posted by djembe
          Hey Chris,
          I just wanted to leave you some feedback regarding your Global Illumination: Interiors DVD.

          I just finished watching it about an hour ago and I found it very instructive. In particular, you've demystified the light cache for me and most importantly, helped me finally get my head around the concept of working in linear color space. Though my brain is now full and I suspect I'll have to watch both the Exterior and Interior titles again sometime soon to take in things I may have missed and to reinforce some concepts.

          I'm looking forward to applying what I've learned to my own projects. Perhaps one of these days, I'll feel confident enough to post some renders that don't pale too much in comparison to the high quality work found on this forum.

          Thank you so much for creating these DVDs. If you make more VRay titles in the future, I'll certainly purchase them as well.
          Awesome! My first review besides my publisher and my wife. It looks like you found it useful and helpful. That makes me happy. I think I need some rest from the DVD thing for a bit. It was actually a lot of work. I think these titles are a good starting package to help people make the transition to GI, and that was the goal.


          • #80
            Originally posted by cpnichols
            Awesome! My first review besides my publisher and my wife. It looks like you found it useful and helpful. That makes me happy. I think I need some rest from the DVD thing for a bit. It was actually a lot of work. I think these titles are a good starting package to help people make the transition to GI, and that was the goal.
            I feel honored to be the first customer to review it

            No doubt, you deserve a break from creating training DVDs. Your hard work is evident and very appreciated.
            However, I must admit, I hope they sell in such great quantities that you have to make some more titles

            Best regards!


            • #81
              Hi Chris, I have just receive the DVD (interior) and it doesn't run in my DVDplayer on TV.
              Just to say that, I think it works on my computer like the first okok but I have a big screen in my lobby and would like to seen it on it
              real feedback when I will have the time to see it.


              • #82
                could you do a whole dvd just about creating materials?

                would be a great help for all of us!



                • #83
                  Its not a DVD movie type of DVD. As with the previous Exteriors its computer only.
                  its just stored on a DVD


                  • #84
                    Yep yep....
                    That's just because when I have receive it I have say "yeah I can see it on my new big TVscreen " (before my computer screen was bigger than my TV loll)
                    But no big deception


                    • #85

                      well if your computer is close enough to your TV you can probabaly output from your computer to your TV... that would be ok i guess


                      • #86
                        Keep in mind that the window is formated at 1280x1024, and that the video inside that window that I captured is 1024x768. So if you are doing to watch it on a TV make sure it is HD. They did that because it used to be video rez (720x480) and people had a hard time reading the menus. Personnally I like it the new way.... and if I watched a 5 hour video on Intro to Houdini on my TV my wife would kill me.


                        • #87
                          good points
                          Generally i found this stuff better watched on a secondary monitor.


                          • #88
                            great stuff chris. gotten through most of it (external lighting dvd) and trying to find the time at work to finish rest of it. I know its going to be very essential to any new employees in the future. How come there was none of this 5 years ago? you vray noobs have it so

                            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                            • #89
                              hey. we had a blast

                              MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                              stupid questions the forum can answer.


                              • #90
                                Chris, thanks for the DVDs i brought both of them and things are much simpler now. To complete this set you need to do a material and texturing DVD. I will be the first in line to buy it. THanks again

                                Cecil G

