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Dongles FAQ

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  • i must say i'm not so happy about the dongle but
    as i'm expecting to receive mail from chaosgroup soon,
    i would be very glad to find a printed manual for vray 1.5
    togehter with that dongle in my mailbox.

    of course i would pay for the manual.

    i think that should be seriously considered.
    render forza!


    Office Le Nomade, Vienna



    • Would be nice to have a printed manual. I would also like to have a .chm file too, that can be accessed from within Max. I asked for this months ago and I believe it was Tisho that said that in the next release we will be getting a .chm help file.
      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      "DR or Die!"


      • If there is a chm file, I don't see the need for a printed manual. It's not that it's 500 pages thick, so you can easily print it yourself. A printed one maybe looks nice, but it will be outdated very soon, so you'll need to use the online help file anyways. It will only cause confusion if the printed manual contains old and maybe incorrect information.
        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


        • The same dongle for VRay for Maya?

          Will the dongled VRay-licenses be bound to the host-programm (i.e. Max, Maya, XSI, Rhino)?
          We are thinking about changing to Maya or XSI next year and want to know if it will be possible to simply change the licenses. From a production-house stand of view VRay-licenses should not be bound to specific programm-versions, x general licenses would be much easier to handle.

          ...forget Warp 9, engine-room please switch to Vray-speed...


          • Just a little question:

            When we will receive our dongle, the uninstallation of the previous release of Vray is automatic or manual ?

            Because there can be a conflict between the VRay server in our computer and VRay server in the dongle.

            In this case cohabitation of 2 releases of Vray seems to be impossible. ( like 1.09 and 1.47 for comparisons)
            In teapots we trust.


            • Has there been a problem with copies of vray floating around....I am up to the challenge I guess.....hehe....and does this mean that if we own two copies of vray and they are on two differnt computers...we need two keys right? If so, can a third copy be installed on a laptop and then the dongle used on the laptop of meetings outside the office...Thanx all..

              Later and have a safe New Year....

              Eric Camper
              Eric Camper
              Studio 3D


              • Hey Eric - you might want to read back through the thread...
                LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                • Hehe...a simple Yes Eric would have done.....Sheewww....just spent three hours reading through people asking the same ol questions over and over and....wait....that's what I did.....Nevermind.... lol

                  Thanx I don;t mind the dingle......Later
                  Eric Camper
                  Studio 3D


                  • Sorry. If you think that's tough try starting in the middle of the linear mapping threads like I did...
                    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                    • Originally posted by jujubee
                      Sorry. If you think that's tough try starting in the middle of the linear mapping threads like I did...
                      I second that!
                      Tim Nelson


                      • Originally posted by Ryan_Chiong
                        can i now request for a dongle? weekend is over but still i get no request form. So, where can i find this form?
                        I'd say Peter was too optimistic; we had agreed to not mention any dates until things are ready to go, so to be honest I am confused by (t)his statement as well. The form will be available "soon". I know that waiting for something when you don't know exactly when you are getting it is painful, but unfortunately there is no way around this for now.

                        ...Because there can be a conflict between the VRay server in our computer and VRay server in the dongle.
                        The old and new V-Ray versions will not conflict with each other, so you can have two versions installed at the same time (but on different copies of 3dsmax).

                        Will the dongled VRay-licenses be bound to the host-programm (i.e. Max, Maya, XSI, Rhino)?
                        No, for some time now the V-Ray licenses are not bound to 3dsmax. However, the answer to the question you are asking is more complicated... V-Ray for Rhino, for example, has its own licensing system, e.g. you won't need a dongle from us to use it - instead, ASGVis will use their own protection scheme. As far as Maya and XSI are concerned, more details will be revealed once they are nearing their release dates.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • Thanks Vlado for the info! Nice to get frequent info from you and others at Chaos!
                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                          "DR or Die!"


                          • I'm very sorry, but I really don't like this "dongle" concept but I do understand the protection reason.
                            Bad point ! we have no choice.

                            Nevertheless Happy new year to everybody !



                            • Originally posted by peter
                              Originally posted by dapeter
                              So when can we start ordering these?
                              The form will be launched this weekend. We will send e-mails to everybody with information on how to proceed.
                              Hmmm, is this true? Never saw an email or any other announcement. Which weekend is meant here?
                              souplesse n'oblige


                              • @3D-Wizard - read Vlado's post above.
                                LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                                HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                                Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

