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VRay 1.45.70 beta build available

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  • #16

    Thanks plastic_

    Gijs, that was going to be my next ?, also to which point will one be able to upgrade your machine before the license stop working?



    • #17
      well as long as your ip stays the same i think you will be ok


      • #18
        thank you very much !!!!

        licence request sending


        • #19

          Anybody knows how to install the beta for testing, without touching the "normal" version?
          I know, there is a posibility with the plugin.ini but how?


          Sorry, for my bad english.


          • #20
            Does anyone know how long does it take the vray team to respond to the license code request?


            • #21
              also to which point will one be able to upgrade your machine before the license stop working
              Good question. I hope someone from chaos can shed some light on this (important) issue. I am wondering why a licence has to be tied to one machine. I understand that chaos wants to sell as much licences as possible / prevent illegal use, but this seems to make things very complicated.
              You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


              • #22
                nothing has changed from previous builds. all builds of vray have been tied to whatever computer you decide to load it onto. And yeah. it is a good method of protecting their investment. They provide unlimited render nodes for backburner. All you need to do is pick the machine your going to load it onto carefully. Then when your working if you ever find you need to load up max on another computer to work over there you can then use their new floating liscence to be able to open vray on the other computer. As your company grows you can add seats

                MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                stupid questions the forum can answer.


                • #23
                  All you need to do is pick the machine your going to load it onto carefully
                  This is exactly the part I don't like. I need to be carefull because there are other people illegaly using software. That doesn't sound fair to me.
                  I don't understand why you cannot transfer the licence server to another machine. What if this machine crashes? Do you need to buy a new licence? Do you need to send a message to Chaos explaining that the unfortunate thing has happend and please them to send a new licence? Can you use the backup files to restore the licence on another machine? I am quite sure there are many careless users now installing the new build without thinking about these kind of consequences. Or am I thinking to difficult here ?

                  Da_elf, you say that this is the exact same as previous builds, but this time you cannot transfer the licence out of the range of the server, while with previous builds you could export the licence to another machine
                  You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                  • #24
                    Do you need to send a message to Chaos explaining that the unfortunate thing has happend and please them to send a new licence?
                    Yep, this is what you should do for the beta build. We will provide means for transferring the license with the final release.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #25
                      Thanks Vlado for your response. I am glad to hear this is just a beta version issue.
                      You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


                      • #26
                        new error message

                        Hi guys,

                        I installed the beta release and started 3dsmax. I changed my current renderer to vray and I put in localhost for the name. I had to restart 3dsmax for the changes to take affect. I didn't start the new VRLServer before starting max to get my license because I am used to the old way of authorizing vray where the window pops up after you select vray as the renderer. I was over zealous and didn't read the new licensing process.

                        Now I am getting the following error message when I go to restart 3dsmax:

                        Assertion Error Information

                        In file: 'MenuMan,cpp'

                        Line: 1930

                        I emailed Discreet Technical Support, but I figured I put this here to see if anyone else had this error.

                        Also, after getting this error I figured it was because I didn't have a license yet. I went ahead and started the VRLServer and sent in for the license. Tedi already sent back the key for the license and I entered that in the Server window. The server is running now, but I am still getting that error. 3dsmax won't start up. It gets through all of the loading of plug ins, but right after loading the error message pops up. Do you think this means I'll need to re-install 3dsmax? And if I do, I guess I will need to request a new license key?

                        Thanks for any help,



                        • #27
                          check out the Discreet knowledgebase on this subject: "3ds max fails with MenuMan.cpp error"


                          • #28
                            Thank you!

                            Originally posted by PiXeL_MoNKeY
                            check out the Discreet knowledgebase on this subject: "3ds max fails with MenuMan.cpp error"
                            PiXel_MoNKeY, thank you very much. That was exactly the problem. Everything is working fine now. Just another high mark to the Vray community and all of its positive support!

                            Thank you again,



                            • #29
                              Well, first thanks for giving us at least a beta. My question is:

                              I have a peer to peer network where one PC acts like a MickeyMouseServer. This machine runs day and night and this machine would be the best place to install the Vray license.

                              The problem is, that this machine don´t have any 3dmax on it and I can´t install the vray license on it. So I have to install it on an other PC with max and have to run this PC (for Vray license) + my MickeyMouseServer (for textures and so on) to run VRay with max on another Workstation?



                              • #30
                                Big problem for me, i can't use Vray, this license don't work
                                please see the pic (print screen)

                                The licence server close the connection when i use vray but why ??

                                Thanks for your help

                                Architecture & design Sàrl
                                global solution for architecture

