with denoising, i have been using it and setting the max samples to like 6 maximum 8 and using bruteforce and its really fast, the rgb pass is not usable at all for me anymore since i prefer to use the denoise version but usually i used to watch the sample rate pass to make sure am getting red on edges for good sampling etc but essentially i since i use bf for interiors now alot i am just ignoring that since the denoise version looks really great, should one keep trying to optimise scenes that way or it means now the denoise version makes there no need to go in and optimise those? i see my relflection and gi pass etc as noisy stil, will there be an option to denoise those passes as well or is there a way to somehow combine them already in photoshop and not have noisy passes in compositing? maybe its been asked already am not sure or if its even possible to have the original passes and a denoised version as well?
i should also state that with the denoise version on my slow pc am getting amazingly clean images at 3.5k for some scenes in 30 mins aa samples 10, amazing work Vlado!
i should also state that with the denoise version on my slow pc am getting amazingly clean images at 3.5k for some scenes in 30 mins aa samples 10, amazing work Vlado!