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V-Ray standalone 64bits + MAYA + OS X

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  • #61
    yeh. ive used the importer plugins from them. they work pretty well.

    dont get me wrong. i am currently using pro/e, max, vray as my modeling-to-rendering set up, but the only reason max is in the equation is vray.
    from time to time we use max for other things, but the bulk of my work is vizualizing product concepts that ive designed or built in pro/e.

    what im wondering/hoping/wishing for is pro/e-to-vray work flow so i can spend our software dollars on other apps.


    • #62
      maya *.STEP import

      I'm also using npower translators. It is working really fine with 3ds max. I'm translating models from SolidWorks.
      But new Maya 6.5 got its own native *.STEP importer and it works excellent ( in my personal opinion, even better than npower software ) so I guess when Chaos will release it first beta of V-ray for Maya, CAD system users will have perfect modeling/texturing/rendering solution.


      • #63
        Man I've been dealing with this problem for years now. My current workflow is importing an .iges (now with 6.5 .step files), rendering a GI final gathering pass in mental ray, then rendering specular and reflection passes using the standard maya renderer. Welcome to composite hell! Last thing I want to hear is, "can we rotate that model a little bit? All you got to do is hit the rerender button, right????" Works well but it would be nice to have a simpler solution, especially when there are dozens of concepts.

        As far as converting the nurbs surfaces to polys, you have the 3dsmax normals problem. Some Pro E models/SolidWorks, with all of their detail, can have hundreds of pieces of geometry, try flipping those normals.

        Being able to render out nurbs surfaces in maya with double sided geometry on in vray with vray materials would be awesome. I woundn't care how much vray cost, I'd get it.


        • #64
          exactly. it works, but its no where near ideal.


          • #65
            Some thing I didn´t really understand. So there will be a Maya Version of Vray and a Standalone Version of Vray... and what about the max version
            of vray ? will it be replaced by the standalone or will there further be a
            integrated vray version for max. I mean if max and maya both have
            a integrated version.. who else should be interested in a standalone version ?
            .. well maybe the softimage guys... but wouldn´t it than be better to write integrated versions for every suitable package ?
            However I would feel quite pissed if the maya guys get a nice integrated version and we will have to mess around with a Standalone Version
            that does not support any plugins or shaders.
            But hopefully I just got something wrong ??


            • #66
              i think this has been discussed time and time again. If I recall, i thought chaos said max user should not worry.

              "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


              • #67
                I know it has been discussed before. But a "don´t worry" doesn´t say
                anything. I just want to know if some essential things will work or not.. like
                will I still be able to use the max material editor and all it´s functions ? Do I have to export my scene evertime I make a preview ? The question about supported
                plugins was allready answered by vlado in this thread... and this
                makes me worry !! A standalone version might be the perfect thing
                for big studios with a large production pipline.. but I think that 90%
                of us Vray Users do not work in such dimensions. With "Air" there allready exists a fast Standalone GI renderer for max... but it´s just used by a handfull of big studios.. go test it yourself and you will know why !!


                • #68
                  hopefully vrays external will have a graphical interface rather than a command line like the other externals.

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • #69
                    Vlado, I read at discreet forum that standalone renderers have hard time supporting 3rd party plugins and if thats so what are the plans for vray standalone?
                    Dmitry Vinnik
                    Silhouette Images Inc.


                    • #70
                      maxwell render is a good example (altough its still beta and all that).

                      its crucial that the material editor / shader language is well implemented, flexible and user friendly and evenmore the way scenedata is handled (import/export) has to be more than...well import/export.

                      a send / recieve scene button in i.e maya or max wich keeps materials like they should be so you dont have to reassign materials to the whole scene each time a small change is introduced is defenatly needed.

                      all in all i think it must be very difficult to make a succesfull and user friendly standalone render.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Morbid Angel
                        Vlado, I read at discreet forum that standalone renderers have hard time supporting 3rd party plugins and if thats so what are the plans for vray standalone?
                        If you want 3dsmax plugins, you already have V-Ray for 3dsmax. The standalone cannot support those plugins - obviously, they have been written specifically for 3dsmax and cannot run without it.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #72
                          I see. So I imagine that vray for max and maya will be progressing along with stand alone...sorft of on par?
                          Dmitry Vinnik
                          Silhouette Images Inc.


                          • #73
                            In regards to the obvious incompatibility of max plugins not being used by the standalone renderer, I'm wondering, if one uses the standalone through a bridge ui inside max, will there be any tools developed to ease the "baking" process and such one would need to get certain stuff rendered. An example would be hair. Will one have to make the hair into geometry first manually and then send it to vray, or will there be support for converting these hairs as vray primitives in some kind of automated process? (This also applies to shaders). Will this be part of the standalone development, or strictly up to those who develop the bridge app for whatever 3d program one uses? Will the standalone support any other open standards for geometry and shaders? (renderman compliance?)
                            Signing out,


                            • #74
                              Just want to voice my support... Great job guys

                              Saad "BlueShift" Ur Rahman

                              "Professional built the Titanic, amateurs built the Arc."


                              • #75
                                Sorry to bring this thread back from the dead again.

                                But thought i might just show Aneurisma something

                                Annoucing the "newly" released Dual Core G5's

                                Gotta beat that dead horse

