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  • 3m 21.3s

    Dual Proc Dual Core Opteron 270 8GB.
    The Frame Stamp says it used 4096MB of memory, not all 8GB? [/img]


    • Originally posted by priad
      Interesting humm
      well, I just thought it would be slightly interesting since I havne't seen these procs tested with this benchmark before, and they're after all intels dual-core solution. obviously, they're not as fast as the opterons.
      Erik N

      "Second to the right and straight on 'till morning!"


      • It was not a joke dude, i'm serious: Very interesting!!


        • question however is i see they are new in comparison with render times. but i have to ask what the price tag on top of he line x2 intels is compaired to top of the line x2 amds

          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
          stupid questions the forum can answer.


          • The price for the xeons is about the same as the opti 275's
            Eric Boer


            • Well... giving the new machine a push with a small overclock to see how it gets on.
              I've managed to get the time for the benchmark down to 3m 07s @ 2.2Ghz .... and so far the system seems pretty stable. Temps didn't rise above 40 degrees..... but with such a quick render I guess its not really stressing the system too much.

              Oh... and for those that noticed, my machine has only 2 gigs rather than the 4 I claimed. It turns out I got supplied with the wrong amount of ram.
              Many Thanks


              • Originally posted by RE:FORM_STUDIOS
                Well... giving the new machine a push with a small overclock to see how it gets on.
                I've managed to get the time for the benchmark down to 3m 07s @ 2.2Ghz .... and so far the system seems pretty stable. Temps didn't rise above 40 degrees..... but with such a quick render I guess its not really stressing the system too much.

                Oh... and for those that noticed, my machine has only 2 gigs rather than the 4 I claimed. It turns out I got supplied with the wrong amount of ram.
                I'm very interested on your hardware configuration
                i'm actualy in the way to build my new workstation based in this opteron 265
                it would be a great help if you can give me some information about your setup
                motherboard: ?
                memory: ?
                cooling: ?
                2.2 ghz is a pretty nice oc (opteron 275 at about 1.5 the price of the 265)
                is your configuration stable?
                thank's in advance for your infos


                • Now we just have to wait for n6 to come in and tell us that we are all silly for buying new top of the line hardware, when for less money we can buy older hardware and overclock the shit out of it.


                  • Hi,

                    Here is my try - single AMD X2 3800, 2gigs ram, air cooled, no overclocking.



                    • Seems pretty stable...

                      Check it oot!

                      <edit> speed should read 2205Mhz. according to cpu-z

                      Also, I notice some subtle difference between my render and the render on the pentium above.
                      Many Thanks


                      • if you look at the version number there is a different version being used which has a reflect/refract bug
                        Chris Jackson


                        • Man that thing is fast. Is that a single machine render? I tried DR rendering the scene on three dual core amd's x2's and it was at 3:38 with a gig network and 2 gig of ram on all machines.



                          • Yep.

                            I tried a DR on that too, but it actually came in slower than on the single machine. Having buckets processed by my slower machines brought the overall time down ( nodes were : dell m70 + amd64 3000 + amd 2500).

                            Been working away for most of the evening at that speed, and no sign of instability.
                            Many Thanks


                            • Just a side note, depending on what version you are using that can change the render times alot. These renders were generally all done on 1.47.03, if you are using the new build.. which i notice some of you are mainly Robur, that will drop the times alot. I went from 5m40s on my x2 4400 to 4m40s using 1.48.03 build.

                              So just make sure you post what build you used as well as your rendertime... otherwise it doesnt mean all that much


                              • Ha ! I spent $3200 (CAD) on a 3.2Ghz Intel D840 4 threaded beast and it renders at 5min22sec (3GB Ram Asus P5WD2 Premium MB). THEN I smelt the coffee and just bought my first AMD. Its a midget of a computer (I could fit about two of these inside the other computer) Micro ATX, shared graphics card, 2GB Ram, no bells & no whistels. This machine cost $1380 (CAD) and rendered the scene in 6min 4sec. Pretty darn good value. Then I overclocked it (very very simple to do - took about 10 seconds to do it) and it now renders the scene in 5min 12sec. Not only that but it did it at 43degrees. The D840 Extreme hits 78 degrees when its at 100% !
                                Win10.Ryzen1950X. 80GbRam. RTX3080.RTX2070.Sketchup 22.0.354.VRaySketchUp.6001. - NvidiaStudioDriver 527.37

