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  • Mathew Everett:
    hmmm nothing out of the ordinary there. very odd that your times are MUCH quick than others. Maybe your settings are changed.
    Doesnt really make sense.

    wait, wait.... so there is no way of getting windowsXP (not 64) to recognize more than 3gb of ram??
    Im sure i saw somewhere that it could.


    • not that Im aware of. There maybe some sort of hack (even more of a hack then the 3gb switch) that emulates windows server or something, but Ive not come across it.

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • Ahh right, well that puts me in my place.

        You learn something new everyday.


        • You can set windows up to run in 3 Gig mode. but I found Backburner wont reconize it. also I have never had Max use more than 1.98Gig of memory! that is the most I have ever seen it crunch! But I am running windows XP ser 2 32bit not 64 bit! I wasn't aware
          Mathew Everett

          Phillipians 4:13
          "I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me."


          • The 3GB does work with backburner, not sure why you are having issues.

            And I was watching a scene of geometry plants crashing right at 3Gigs just the other day

            Maybe you made a typo in your boot.ini?
            Eric Boer


            • now thats weird...Matt...Did you change any setting before rendering? Seems like a minute or more faster than everyone come you have 3076 gigs showing? I am only showing 2868 or something like that and I have the 3gig switch on too and I have 4 gigs of ram.....Windows system shows the same number??? I did get 6:15 which was the tastest.....I think it had something to do with having just viz running, etc..etc...


              Eric Camper
              Studio 3D


              • FINALLY!!

                1 1/2 Months it took, but my X2 is up and running.

                Athlon 3000

                Athlon X2 4400


                • I don't think the 4m10s are that strange. If you take a look at page one of the thread you'll see 4m4s on a dual 3.5ghz - it's overclocked, but time is compareable. Probably his system is a Xeon533 OC as well?

                  EDIT: Daforce, your pics are not loading here... dunno why.
                  This signature is only a temporary solution


                  • Yeah i think my host is having some problems.

                    Athlon 3000 was 14m 26.4s
                    Athlon X2 4400 was 5m 47.4s


                    • Mine was 5:51.5 - you bet me.


                      • only just. hehe


                        • Great to see you up on the board Daforce. The latest member of the X2 club. (we make thrift stylish)

                          And my machine is now 100% stable, with all 4 x 1GB sticks running at full 400MHz AND running overclocked 13% with no extra cooling!

                          Pinch me, I’m dreaming!

                          2200 OC to 2508 MHz = 5 mins 16 seconds


                          • Heheh yeah I was the founder of the club but the last one to show up... LOL

                            Excellent, nice little overclock.

                            What are your temps like?

                            An interesting thing I have noticed is that the 2nd core of the x2 is about 95% - 100% efficient in rendering. (will do more test to confirm) But when your make max render with only 1 cpu it takes basically twice as long. X2's are great!!!

                            Also what mobo do you have?
                            And can you post your overclock details (what you changed..etc.)
                            Could i also get you to post your overclock details in the official X2 overclock thread in the Off Topic section.
                            Thanks Mate


                            • The system I run is the following.

                              This computer was made by XI Computers
                              Dual Intel Xeon 3.4 Ghz w/ HT on
                              Iwill X800 Mobo with 750Watt PSU "I don't know the brand"
                              Nvidia Quadro FX2000 128MB AGP - Running Dual 21" CRT Viewsonics
                              3 Gigs of Kingston Ram DDR400 PC3200
                              1 160G Raided over 2 74GB "I think it is Raid 2 But I am lost on raid stuff, not my forte"
                              Windows XP Ser PK 2 with current updates
                              3Ds Max 7.5 with all current updates
                              Vray 1.47.03

                              I do have windows set to run 3 Gigs, It pops the file and asks If I want to run 3Gigs or normal every time I run windows. Max sees the 3 gigs but If or when I run Backburner 2.3 it only shows 2 Gigs in the window. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong"

                              I seem to have ran a good benchmark, Without really adjusting any settings. I would love to Overclock my CPU's But I haven't found a good program that will push there Xeon's to there limits... any suggestions on that?

                              To be honest this tower seems to run slow all the time in other programs. It is not a multi tasker if you know what I mean. I was exspecting much more out of a system with these specs... I think I will go AMD next time... since all my home comps are AMD's and they just seem to run better
                              Mathew Everett

                              Phillipians 4:13
                              "I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me."


                              • Hey Mathew,
                                Decent looking machine
                                Your render time still has me baffled tho. Anyway.. moving away from that.

                                If you want to overclock your xeons you need to do it thru the BIOS. Dont try it with programs they never work out well.
                                Your best bet is to do some google searches and you should be able to find heaps of info about overclocking those CPU's
                                Just remember.....Baby Steps.

                                Good luck

