dirty walls not inentional
It was the IR. I merged the file contents into a new scene. then I took the color mapping way down to 3 and 6 from 10 and 16. I turned the multiplier of the HDR from 5 to 20.
The whole scene is lit form the HDR. There's no other light outside. There are reflector panles that have images of ountains on them. In vray prop I turnde their recieve GI down to .25 and Generate GI up to 1.5.
Glass windows are invisible to GI
Caustics is on for this one and I'm going to try another without.
It was the IR. I merged the file contents into a new scene. then I took the color mapping way down to 3 and 6 from 10 and 16. I turned the multiplier of the HDR from 5 to 20.
The whole scene is lit form the HDR. There's no other light outside. There are reflector panles that have images of ountains on them. In vray prop I turnde their recieve GI down to .25 and Generate GI up to 1.5.
Glass windows are invisible to GI
Caustics is on for this one and I'm going to try another without.