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who is using multiscatter

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  • #16
    Forest Pack has much better support!!
    show me the money!!


    • #17
      Can Forest Pack paint objects from one piece of geometry to another?


      • #18
        I had problems with IRR/LC which was also my work flow. I now render the grass or other MS objects separately using BF/none.


        • #19
          Hi Crayox13,
          you wrote about your problems with irr/lc.
          But to render it separately is not a workflow for me.
          Thanks about sharing your experiences.
          Best regards,


          • #20
            It is not recommended to use LC with MS grass, so if you use what they recommend BF/none you'll get really sucky rest of the scene. I don't see any other way. Someone here managed to render their MS and iGrass with LC and keep RAM usage on 1500MB but I still don't see how.


            • #21
              It's nothing to do with the plugin, it's just that lc is terrible at dealing with 5 million proxy objects. The point of proxies is that they're only loaded as needed - problem with LC is that it's all needed at once, and as such uses a hell of a lot more memory.


              • #22
                seems to be sad but true
                best regards Stefan


                • #23
                  multiscatter alone is fine
                  its the the workflow you have to change in order to render the millions of objects efficiently....meaning....with a nice ratio between quality and speed

                  for stills, if you have time and not that much things scattered, its ok to choose IR/LC
                  with grasses, it depends on camera angle...the lower to ground, the less objects you have to scater in order to cover the ground

                  for animations its best to render the grasses/trees etc in separate pass using IR/BF or BF alone and then comp
                  i dont see any reason why one cant call this workflow when this actually works pretty well

                  all the nice features and plugins come with high demand in computing power, so either you use render farms and if you dont have money and have enough time you render smart in passes.
                  we will just all have to wait for the more powerfull computers perhaps something like this



                  • #24
                    I'm conflicted about MultiScatter. On the one hand, I love it. Best scattering plugin around in my opinion. On the other hand, I found that it makes Max 2011 very unstable (works fine on Max 2010).
                    Not sure yet if MS is at fault or if another plugin is causing the issue, but the fact is MS scenes crash in Max 2011 like crazy. The developers are aware of this, though, and working on the issue.
                    Check my blog


                    • #25
                      hi Bertrand, i am using and i recommend the last stable Multiscatter version without multipaint (its even maybe 2 versiouns back from the last build)
                      behaves ok in max 2011
                      best to use this until they solve the issue
                      i would not be surprised if the problem was on Autodesks side though


                      • #26
                        Hi Martin,
                        hi Bertrand.
                        In still images I trie to use postproduction as much as necessary.
                        Each job has a certain amount of customer wishes and changes and I want to keep the image production very traceable.
                        If I do a huge amount of comping in my still images I wont get an idea of image production one year later.

                        In animations your right! Because changes in animations are not as often as in still images we do final comping in ae and premiere too.
                        Here it woul be a solution for me too.

                        Thank you for sharing your experiences,


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by BBB3 View Post
                          I'm conflicted about MultiScatter. On the one hand, I love it. Best scattering plugin around in my opinion. On the other hand, I found that it makes Max 2011 very unstable (works fine on Max 2010).
                          Not sure yet if MS is at fault or if another plugin is causing the issue, but the fact is MS scenes crash in Max 2011 like crazy. The developers are aware of this, though, and working on the issue.
                          I feel exactly the same about ForestPro. Its a stunning bit of software, but I swear since we started using it, we've had far more Max crashes and corrupted Max files.
                          Kind Regards,
                          Richard Birket



                          • #28
                            Hi Tricky,
                            thank you for sharing your experiences, but its to late know.
                            I bought multiscatter know
                            I will let you know if max crashes now all the time...
                            Thank you all for supporting my decision.
                            Best regards stefan


                            • #29
                              Hi Tricky,

                              Originally posted by tricky View Post
                              I feel exactly the same about ForestPro. Its a stunning bit of software, but I swear since we started using it, we've had far more Max crashes and corrupted Max files.
                              Are you using Max 2011 as well ?

                              We have not reported instability issues, but if you send us more info (the minidump files are very helpful), we could investigate if it's a plugin or a Max issue.
                              Carlos Quintero
                              iToo Software


                              • #30
                                Hi JeffG2,

                                Originally posted by JeffG2 View Post
                                Can Forest Pack paint objects from one piece of geometry to another?
                                What do you mean exactly ?

                                I'm not sure if that replies your question, but with Forest can place items individually, remove them, clone, etc. The first part of this video shows the Custom Edit mode working:

                                Carlos Quintero
                                iToo Software

