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Can someone explain me what is "camera correction"

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  • #16

    Just to clarify and add to the explantion - if we compare the camera to the human eye their is a major difference. The camera has a flat film plane opposed to the human eye which has a curve surfare that receives light. This explains why the human eye has a form of "perspective control".

    I thought I would through this into the mix as I think it makes things a little clearer or at least interesting.


    • #17

      It's not only the geometry of the eye or our steroscopic view (we have two eyes), It is our brain that is constantly "correcting" the information our senses provide, we need to know what is vertical and what is horizontal, independently of the point of view, so we know it'safe to walk on a surface, or to jump to it withouth falling, or to consider if we face a wall or a inlcined wall that can be climbed... etc. etc. So our brains do the correction and we have the reliable (for our security) information.

      It also happen with colors and everything, look at whites in your room, may be they are pretty gray, yet they are percieved as white...

      This gives lot of room for all those images and games that "fool" our brains and we look at them in surprise... Mauritus Cornelius Escher for instance, comes inmediatly to the mind :P

      Fermí Bertran


      • #18
        Very good points, they all make sense

        These cameras would be good for obtaining texture maps of buildings likewise


