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Charging for render nodes

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  • To me off course, it's a much bigger cost (15 workstation - ~150 render nodes) but, if it's the price to pay to have a such reactive support as Chaos is doing, then it's fine for me.

    What i don't understand is the multiplatform style of render node. Is there so many studio across the world that need to render both vray max AND maya ?
    for what i know, when a studio get involved into max for example, they try to stay with it, because of the skill of their employees or because they don't have time to rebuild a new pipeline...

    It looks like, from here, an useless change for unknowed reason, but i'm sure Chaos is planning the futur with it



    • Yes there are.
      It's been common practice for ever, really, if very much kept under the radar.
      The use of nigh any DCC app to create various types of content, to then render it in any other, and mix the results in post, has been a staple of many a studio (all, in fact) i have worked for.
      Whether one needs to render in maya, max, xsi or houdini (or Katana, for that matter) is very much dependent on the type of shot at hand, rather than pre-made choices.
      Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

      The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


      • Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
        Please post a link to a usable, cracked vray (sarcasm.).
        As far as i know, to this day, it's still uncracked
        why would you say this


        • eheh, because what is, and has been, out in the warez realm so far is *not* properly cracked.
          It will deactivate the BSP, and produce slightly different brightness levels at each rerender (or successive rendered frame).
          Ie. it's good enough as a demo version, but won't be usable in production.
          Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

          The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


          • e: nevermind. pointless


            • Lol o,O U sure do know a lot about it =D
              CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

     - come and look


              • I do.
                It so happens that way back when i was working at Frantic Films, we had an issue with the license dropping.
                What rendered in 20 minutes locally would take 20 hours (!) on the farm with haphazard brightness changes per frame, due to the scene taking too long to load, and the license server believing it was being cracked.
                I think they flew Vlado to L.A. (we were at -40C in Winnipeg at the time...) to fix it, and i think i still remember him messaging me after 20 minutes of the file open action with something along the lines of "are we sure it's still loading?!?", lol.

                See why even getting a warezed version would be very close to pointless?

                I DID put (sarcasm.) between brackets, Bobby...
                Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                • I have been silent, for the most part, thus far. Isn't charging for nodes like the electric company charging per outlet, or the government taxing something just to generate more revenue? Now, I am not complaining, and will gladly pay whatever Chaos wants. For me, this forum saved me from having to spend $60,000.00 on a formal college education in computer science and animation.
                  Bobby Parker
                  phone: 2188206812

                  My current hardware setup:
                  • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                  • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                  • ​Windows 11 Pro


                  • This came off the V-Ray 3.0 for Max Beta page
                    "an internal audit also revealed that in the developing environment our unlimited policy was no longer sustainable if we wanted to keep providing customers with things like: regular free updates, technical support and continuous development of new features."

                    My response to this is no one ever asked Chaos to give away updates or technical support, this was a decision they made and obviously a poor one. If you're looking for ways to make the company profitable again start will charging for updates and even tech support if it's necessary. Forcing your customers into a patently unfair license policy is going to put you into an even worse position as they slowly leave and revenue continues to fall.


                    • Originally posted by glorybound View Post
                      Isn't charging for nodes like the electric company charging per outlet,
                      No, it's like buying a pass for a faster toll road compared to a busy freeway. You can still get to where you're going, but if you want to save time it costs more.

                      Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                      I do.
                      It so happens that way back when i was working at Frantic Films, we had an issue with the license dropping.
                      Surely that crazy behavior was because it wasnt cracked... think about your point for a minute.
                      Last edited by Neilg; 24-09-2013, 11:55 AM.


                      • Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                        No, it's like buying a pass for a faster toll road compared to a busy freeway. You can still get to where you're going, but if you want to save time it costs more.
                        Actually it's much closer to having that fast road that you used to drive on for free turned into a very expensive toll road.


                        • yes, it's a tax to create revenu.

                          Originally posted by devin View Post
                          Actually it's much closer to having that fast road that you used to drive on for free turned into a very expensive toll road.
                          Bobby Parker
                          phone: 2188206812

                          My current hardware setup:
                          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
                          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
                          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
                          • ​Windows 11 Pro


                          • Originally posted by devin View Post
                            Actually it's much closer to having that fast road that you used to drive on for free turned into a very expensive toll road.
                            They're not charging for render nodes for 2.4. You've never driven on this road before. So no, it's not at all.


                            • Originally posted by devin View Post
                              This came off the V-Ray 3.0 for Max Beta page
                              "an internal audit also revealed that in the developing environment our unlimited policy was no longer sustainable if we wanted to keep providing customers with things like: regular free updates, technical support and continuous development of new features."

                              My response to this is no one ever asked Chaos to give away updates or technical support, this was a decision they made and obviously a poor one. If you're looking for ways to make the company profitable again start will charging for updates and even tech support if it's necessary. Forcing your customers into a patently unfair license policy is going to put you into an even worse position as they slowly leave and revenue continues to fall.
                              So let me get this straight. You are complaining that VRay costs too much with the new program! So you want to pay MORE for each update / support request / access to VRay forums?!

                              I just don't get it. In reality it will cost you WAY more in the long run than just paying the upfront costs. How do I know this? I have about three other major pices of software that almost follow that policy and I spend WAY more on support than I did to purchase the program to begin with.
                              Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                              Midwest Studios


                              • Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                                They're not charging for render nodes for 2.4. You've never driven on this road before. So no, it's not at all.
                                Actually we're all driving on this road and if you don't pay the steeper toll to go from 2.4 to 3 your car get's towed!

                                Originally posted by Donald2B View Post
                                So let me get this straight. You are complaining that VRay costs too much with the new program! So you want to pay MORE for each update / support request / access to VRay forums?!
                                I would prefer to pay nothing additional at all but if I'm forced to I'd rather pay a reasonable price for upgrades, at least I can say I'm getting something for the extra money. I'm still waiting to find out how much all of this will cost me, so far I can't even get them to give me a number.

