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Charging for render nodes

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  • #46
    I think we all understand why price increases etc.

    But really this is a killer for small studios with lots of render power.

    Personally, I dont disagree with charging more for render nodes in principal, obviously it depends on each studios equipment set up - but I feel the actual cost once you've added it all up is too much. I not sure charging for each individual node is the right way.


    • #47
      Originally posted by AlexP View Post
      Personally, I dont disagree with charging more for render nodes in principal, obviously it depends on each studios equipment set up - but I feel the actual cost once you've added it all up is too much. I not sure charging for each individual node is the right way.
      Thanks - it helps to know your thoughts.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #48
        To Lon (Lgrohs)

        Originally posted by AlexP View Post

        Currently 2 Vray 2.0 licenses, we would need to get an additional NEW vray license in the next month or so...
        Plus 45 nodes

        This is a very big issue that many Vray 2.4 customers are facing now.

        From the pricing page:
        "V-Ray 2.x licenses will remain active for a 6-month grace period from the date of upgrade to V-Ray 3.0.
        A special V-Ray 2.4 build will be available to provide compatibility with V-Ray 3.0 licenses."

        So looking at the user case of Alex P - he currently has 2x Vray 2.4 licences + an investment in 45 render machines. Vray 2.4 will allow rendering on all those nodes. """"Upgrade"""" the 2x Vray licences from 2.4 to 3.0 and he will receive only 2 render node licences and his 2.4 render nodes will STOP WORKING after 6 months?! Is that what that disclaimer means?

        I really think the licencing change from Unlimited nodes to just 1 node is way too much of a quantum shift.

        The sentiment I get from these Vray user posts is that most users understand Chaos' decision to move from unlimited rendering but please consider tweaking these pricing options.

        For example: Offering 5 render nodes with each GUI licence instead of only 1. That would still be very annoying for 2.4 users, but perhaps reasonable & not a deal breaker anymore.
        Michael Wentworth-Bell
        Motion Graphics Artist
        Melbourne, Australia

        My site - Digital Lode


        • #49
          Originally posted by michaelwbell View Post
          The sentiment I get from these Vray user posts is that most users understand Chaos' decision to move from unlimited rendering but please consider tweaking these pricing options.
          We will consider all feedback. Thanks for letting us know what you think!

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #50
            We decided to 'shrink' our render farm a few months ago to fewer machines, but with each having more power/cores. I guess this is one way to try and plan for the future. Less electricity. Less software. Less management. Now lower VRay costs.

            Now whether we actually upgrade to VRay3 any time soon, we will see. We always seem to drag our heels for a while...
            Kind Regards,
            Richard Birket



            • #51
              If i'm reading this correctly, we can upgrade from 1.5 to 2 for $550 per license now (and get a free upgrade to 3), but if we wait until 3.0 is released, it's going to cost $980 to upgrade straight to 3?
              And how many render nodes would we get with each if we got the free update from buying 2.0 now?
              We have about 25-30 nodes and I think 12 or so licenses


              • #52
                Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                If i'm reading this correctly, we can upgrade from 1.5 to 2 for $550 per license now (and get a free upgrade to 3), but if we wait until 3.0 is released, it's going to cost $980 to upgrade straight to 3? And how many render nodes would we get with each if we got the free update from buying 2.0 now? We have about 25-30 nodes and I think 12 or so licenses
                It would be best to email the sales guys at - they will be able to give you precise information and discuss any details.

                Best regards,
                I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                • #53
                  Vlado not to waste ur time too much but I fell that like others I'd like to add it too to the bucket.

                  During my years with vray and in CGI. Vray was always my favorite software. For many reasons good and bad. The thing with vray is that this render to me is like the idea of kids playing in garden and one time growing up. It had to happen and we all grow up. I hope that the new vray licensing service will give chaos extra funds to keep up amazing work and coding. As well as let few of the hard working coders get an extra ££ god knows they deserve it a lot! So thank you very much Vlado and every one else in Vray team for all the great work.

                  To all people that are unhappy. I know it sux. I understand your pain. But since day 1 you got 250% extra. I know its hard to lose things. But you are in not catastrophic position. If you say that this policy make you want to change render and so on. Well you can only change it to MR. As with MR each max has a MR so you can use it BUT. Any other 3rd party render you will face 1. Gui License, 2. Render License, 3.(!) Paid subscription support! So even with the new prices for vray. Its still one of the cheapest and best options out there. You are calculating and panicking with vray pricing... wait till you see other render engines and their prices. I'm not writing this to have fight with any1. Just take a bit longer breath and re-evaluate your options before screaming.

                  Thanks, bye.
                  CGI - Freelancer - Available for work

         - come and look


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by DADAL View Post
                    Vlado not to waste ur time too much but I fell that like others I'd like to add it too to the bucket.
                    Hehe, it's why I'm here. Thanks for the kind words!

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #55
                      Another thing to think about is the way that archvis companies have, in recent years - desperate to get the commission - bid stupidly low fees. This has undermined the industry as a whole and has been discussed regularly in the past. Maybe as software costs start to rise, it is time for people to reconsider how 'low they will go'. Obviously there are a lot of factors going on, but I don't think it is healthy to charge so little for what we do. It is highly skilled and so critical to selling multi-million pound/dollar projects that make our developer clients so rich!
                      Kind Regards,
                      Richard Birket



                      • #56
                        Originally posted by tricky View Post
                        Another thing to think about is the way that archvis companies have, in recent years - desperate to get the commission - bid stupidly low fees. This has undermined the industry as a whole and has been discussed regularly in the past.
                        It's the same with the VFX guys isn't it... it's a sad thing.

                        Best regards,
                        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                        • #57
                          Someone once described the state of the industry to me as like someone falling forwards down an endless set of stairs - running as fast as they can to keep pace so they might not fall over, but they cant stop or slow down.
                          His delivery was much better, it was pretty funny.

                          Keep up the good work, vlado (& everyone else from chaos)


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by vlado View Post
                            It's the same with the VFX guys isn't it... it's a sad thing.

                            Best regards,
                            I am one of those smaller VFX guys making considerably less money hence my moan, but I do see your point as coders and you need your money.

                            My view hasn't changed but as I said previously Vlado, your product and service IS excellent, but the increase in costs does now put your software into the same bracket as others hence us evaluating which shader to invest in for our pipeline( and we may still carry on with Vray). Doesn't detract from your product just giving us the option to chose equally priced products rather than taking the best/cheapest combo (which Vray used to be)
                            Fair dos!


                            • #59
                              This is probably a very stupid question, but I've never understood the difference between DR and render nodes. DR is not the same as the amount of cores I can use on a frame, right? So that if I have a dual Xeon with 16 cores in total, it will only use 10 of them? I've always preferred one very powerful machine as opposed to a farm.

                              Another question, will this have implications when using services like Rebusfarm? I assume it will be more expensive for them so their fees will increase, but not for me actually sending the job, right?


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Nicinus View Post
                                This is probably a very stupid question, but I've never understood the difference between DR and render nodes.
                                There is very little. Dr uses your computer as a host, render nodes are off-site, so to speak. 10 DR is 10 network connections - regardless of the number of cores inside.

                                And any licensing/pricing changes for them will be rebus' issue to deal with.

