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  • #16
    Originally posted by natty
    i think we all know the difference between flickering elements in an animation and frame to frame greyscale level change, which is an autho problem.

    we are here to help, but ive paid for my copy of vray and it annoys me when these people come here ask WHY .... then claim they are legit and then disapear never to return? Odd dont you think.
    we have not seen the animation so we don't know what tpe of flickering it was...

    It has only been one day, how can you say "disapear never to return"?

    In this post he mentions clients not the profile of some warez kiddie...

    Here in America it is "inocent until proven guilty" , It just really sucks if only one legit user is treated the way you guys have treated this one.
    Eric Boer


    • #17

      this is a quote from his post ::
      I render the animation out as sequential tga files and they come out as one light and one slightly darker, then back to light, etc
      from this you can surmise that each and every tga frame completey changes which as you know is a bug writen in to cause this.

      and im not saying he has disapeared from the forum i am only saying that as a generalization of what does happen and if he is a genuine vray user then he will prove him self so by telling us what the problem was and how he sovled it.


      • #18
        "Here in America it is "inocent until proven guilty" , It just really sucks if only one legit user is treated the way you guys have treated this one."

        Very well said, RErender!

        Hell man , even here in Texas we don't hang em till after the trial!

        Perhaps he and others don't come back because of the way they are being treated for asking a question in this forum. They don't understand that normally this is the best forum on the web, provided your aninations don't flicker.

        Granted some are illegal users, but, some are not. Who are we to judge and label a thief.

        The chances are that if they are an illegal user, they will soon be purchasing a liscence (if they are serious about a future in this business) because of what chaos did to the software to cause them to ask the question in the first place.



        • #19
          so what is the answer?
          to always turn a blind eye and hope vray doesnt increase in price when you have to purchase an upgrade?
          im not saying he is guilty but i would like an explaination on how he fixed the problem that is all.


          • #20
            When we did a large network rendering job recently, across multiple farms, we got frames that were slightly darker or lighter than others. In fact, this even happened over the same farm sometimes.

            We were never able to determine why this was the case, not even sure it was VRay at fault.

            However, flickering due to authorization problems vs renderfarm flakey-ness would be obvious if a sample were posted.

            Vu Nguyen


            • #21
              Aren't you going a little too far? So he has an illegal copy of vray. He 'll see how great is vray and one day will by it. Think at him as a future buyer, and not as a criminal. How do you think Microsoft became what it is?
              I know a friend that had an illegal copy of photoshop when he was a student. Now that he is working, he bought it. I think what is better for chaotic Dimension is that a lot of people start using VRay, so it becomes a standard, don't you think? Many would by it, and some wouldn't.

              I don't want to star a political discussion here but:
              Here in America it is "inocent until proven guilty"
              come on! try to be a comunist in USA and you'll see what justice and freedom is.
              Sorry, but I had to say it.


              • #22
                im sorry but i just dont agree with you, Microsoft is so big because its the first of its kind and universally used Not because it was Warezed ... i really dont know where you are coming from .... your basically saying its ok when its not ... why do you think vray offer, vray free and vray demo, so people can test and use it.

                how would you feel if you created a program that you was proud of, and you knew that you had an audience but all of a sudden was cracked and realesed .... you aint going to make any money. would you then take the same attitude ? i dont think so.


                • #23
                  I'm not saying that cracking is a good thing. I know it is not. I 'm only saying that I would think of these people as future possible buyers. I don't think this guy can work with that illegal copy for too long. sooner or later he will just have to buy it, because of the law, or software limitants, or because he likes the software and knows it is what he needs; unless he doesn't like the software. Anyway, there's not much you can do about that, is it?
                  I don't know, I might be wrong. That was just my opinion


                  • #24
                    bobcat, the fact that chaos has released both a full featured demo that practically never expires because they always recompile it AND a free version that is incredibly generous pretty much shoots down your argument.

                    Those types are going to do it regardless of how much is given to them.


                    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                    • #25
                      I suppose so, yes. Mine is just an other way to see it (in fact, it is not mine). Never said it was the right one .

                      About the microsoft thing... There's a "theory" that says that microsoft's success got something to do with the spread of MS Word (at the beginning of times ) as illegal copies.


                      • #26
                        Bowcat not all of these people are going to buy the software if they get a working warez copy. 60% of the agencies in my city are running on and making money on warezed software and that pisses off people and other business owners like myself that have purchased ALL our software. And to make things worse, having waste valuable time on some numbnut that wants support for a cracked copy of what every they have downloaded off of the net. 90% of the people using warez will almost never buy the software as long as they dont get caught. And In the US and Canada the local authorities take software piracy verry seriously. I saw 2 firms go under here last year and a big part was from being sued for using pirated software.

                        ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 1950X ■ ASUS ROG STRIX X399-E - 2990WX ■ ASUS PRIME X399 - 2990WX ■ GIGABYTE AORUS X399 - 2990WX ■ ASUS Maximus Extreme XI with i9-9900k ■


                        • #27
                          Dave, you obviously know what you are talking about so... I'm gonna leave it there. I'm really surprised with those figures.


                          • #28
                            The figures sound about right for Norway too. Lots of companies and freelancers using warez to produce work. It really annoys me when they can underbid me because of their lack of software expenses and get contracts I want.
                            Torgeir Holm |


                            • #29
                              Well, I'll add my little piece and give my opinion, so do feed the never-ending troll. The specific point is here that we are discussing on a forum dedicated to a lovely piece of cutting-edge software developped by people working very hard on it.

                              If you earn something with something that's not your very own, pay back.
                              The same goes with ideas, money, fame or else.

                              I won't feed the troll anymore here. End of transmission.


                              • #30
                                I'm curious as to why you guys allow these other companies to continue to use pirated software if you know for a fact that they are. That is unbelievable to me.

                                You can call the police or the software company and make them aware of the problem and they will either buy the software or go out of business. Simple as that!

                                I can tell you this. I have reported companies to the authorities for using pirated software or 100 copies of the same software on all their machines. I have reported self admitted users of cracked vray to chaos.

                                I did not cry about the problem on this board or insult anyone, I did something about it! So please, don't try to tell me that being a smart ass to someone that comes to this board is actually doing something to help chaos!

                                You do realise that if you see someone stealing a car or robbing a bank and you don't report it, you are just as guilty as the one doing the stealing! How is software any different, stealing is stealing!


