Thats correct - seems like 7.5 is quite problematic.
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VIZ 2006 - maps not rendering [updated - bug in max/viz]
I know I sound like a broken record, but let me ask this, just to be sure:
Is anyone here using Max 7.5, *with Viz extentions installed*, and vray 1.47.03?
If yes, do you have the bitmap problem discussed in this thread?
I'm about to pull the trigger on the max upgrade, but i just want have some idea that it will work properly.
The Revitlution
Originally posted by czoogI know I sound like a broken record, but let me ask this, just to be sure:
Is anyone here using Max 7.5, *with Viz extentions installed*, and vray 1.47.03?
If yes, do you have the bitmap problem discussed in this thread?
I'm about to pull the trigger on the max upgrade, but i just want have some idea that it will work properly.
I am using 7.5 with viz extesions. I am on 1.47.03.
This particular thread is a mishmash of poor understanding of a lot of different, unrelated problems.
There was a problem with 7.5 that revolves around cebas plugins that can screw with any scene if you have a cebas plugin installed. The "hotpatch" fixes this.
There are problems with the new "real world mapping" that 7.5 adds, so just don't use it.
I created the "rendering destroys uvw unwrapping" thread. I don't remember now what my solution was, but it wasn't specific to Vray, and I got around it.
The missing map problem is a network and scene-specfic problem, not Vray.
In short, by simply not using the "real world mapping" I have not had a single problem that can be attributed to using Max 7.5 with VRay.
I wish this thread would die already because its portraying the wrong information about a lot of unrealted problems that are mostly scene specific. If you have a badly modeled and textured scene because it came out of AutoCAD or the like, it will mostly likely have problems when it comes to rendertime. Because of how it works, Vray is less forgiving and tolerant of these problems than scanline is. You need to understand what the rendering engine expects in order to get good results, no matter what engine or program you use.
Thanks Dynedain, just what I wanted to here. I never like the "real world mapping" in Viz2006, so no loss thereAnd now that the Max 8 demo is here, I can try it out.
The Revitlution
Viz 2006 bitmap render issues
Just to let you and all those new VRay users out there, of which I am one, the older 1.46.15 build does appear to cure the Viz 2006 bitmap render problem.
It's just a bloody good job we have the forums to aid us or I would still be trying to sort it out as we speak.
Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?
Because I think I've found a consistency with this bug I thought I would illustrate it. Hope this proves helpful.
The scene shows two hegdes with two lawns, both with the same displacement map and setting.The materials are also identical except that one is a vray mat (left) and the other a standard material right.
The bug only affecting the vray material:
This is a consistent result if you render the menory frame bufferand occurs often when using displacement maps.
you can get the vray material to render out by rendering the image to a vray raw image, but this is still a gamble.
Same problem with 1.47.03
I've found that sticking to viz's standard material, like the material to the right shows, ensures that the materials are rendered out without any problems.
Does anyone want to confirms this by trying out my model? let me know and I'll send the file.
this might be a stupid question, but i'll ask anyway...
has anyone been able to try the new internal beta (the one with vray sky etc.) with viz 2006 to see if the bitmap problem still occurs?
i guess they probably have, but it would be good to get some confirmation...when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson
Does anyone know of any updated srvice packs or fixes/patches for the bitmap rendering problem. I have checked out the Autodesk website and emailed them but there doesn't appear to be any fix. The Vray materials render so much faster than the standard ones it seems a real shame to have the latest Vray build but only be able to use the standard Viz materials. We have recently purchased another copy of Viz 2006 and so far it seems the boffins at Autodesk have sorted this problem out...but what about those of us using an older version of Viz 2006?Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?
Re: Autodesk.....der!
Originally posted by PenryDoes anyone know of any updated srvice packs or fixes/patches for the bitmap rendering problem. I have checked out the Autodesk website and emailed them but there doesn't appear to be any fix. The Vray materials render so much faster than the standard ones it seems a real shame to have the latest Vray build but only be able to use the standard Viz materials. We have recently purchased another copy of Viz 2006 and so far it seems the boffins at Autodesk have sorted this problem out...but what about those of us using an older version of Viz 2006?
Rendering issue
Shane W
The new copy of Viz 2006 we purchased the other week appears to be working fine. We haven't experimented with the Sun and Sky systems yet but the Vray material works with all Viz and Vray bitmaps failing to render etc. For anyone else experiencing the same problem my advice is to contact the reseller and see what they can do for you. At this stage there are no patches/fixes and the service pack 1 doesn't solve the rendering issue. Don't bother contacting Autodesk......they don't know any more than we do which is a little disturbing if you ask me!Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?
Hi Penry, That is very strange that the newest build of VIZ has no problems. I understand the service patch does not help out the problem. What build does your newest version of VIZ say in the about menu? I would love to be able to use the newest build of Vray.
Hi all,
any news on fixing this bug?
it crept up on me right after i switched from viz2005 to 2006.DON'T LET SCHOOL INTERFERE WITH YOUR EDUCATION / /