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Vray 5gpu issues with opacity maps

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  • Vray 5gpu issues with opacity maps

    Am having issues with opacity maps in vray 5 gpu, here the description all tests were done with cuda and RTX
    -label made with a plane and opacity map first with a png used for transparency, in vray cpu works not in gpu.
    -label with a plane with a vraybitmap texture for the opacity map, no t works in gpu
    -label with vrayblend material, no success.
    -label that instead of using opacity am using the refraction map option with ior 1, no success.

    -the main issue is that the label is placed next to a reflective surface, when the label is disabled to be seen by reflection then it works, but still not the optimal solution.
    -the reflective surface next to the label with reflection disabled, fixes the issue, but again not optimal solution.

    is it a bug?, will be happy for a solution to this.


    Click image for larger version

Name:	example.jpg
Views:	902
Size:	97.0 KB
ID:	1088285

  • #2
    Is your opacity definitely 100% b/w? I tried this now and both cpu/gpu are the same, as image.
    This shows a plane with only an opacity map - no other changes to anything.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      thanks for replying, actually is not the same situation, is 2 planes parallel to each other one of them is reflective and the other one is a label with opacity mask on the top. like a typical label situation.
      i triple checked about the black percentage, it is 100% black.. white.


      • #4
        Yeah, my example is an opacity mapped plane on top of a reflective box, as your example. Naturally the label is a tiny fraction away from the surface, otherwise there will be issues with coplanar faces.


        • #5
          Hi hereiscris would it be possible to forward a sample scene with this reproducible so we can see the settings + maps used? You can write to, just make sure to mention this thread in the email. Thanks!
          Nikoleta Garkova |

