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VraySun/Sky acting strange in window reflections

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  • VraySun/Sky acting strange in window reflections

    Any ideas why the sun and sky doesn't give me a realistic light intensity/reflection in the window?
    Same happens with total reflective material.

    See example3, this is the sun directly towards the camera lens. I don't think this looks realistic, too burnt out?! Using the PRG Clear Sky VraySky model.
    And example 4, this is how the sky/light looks on the building. Same camera, same sun. All is with linear color mapping.

    In my opinion, if the sun is THAT burnt out with a camera towards it, then the light intensity on other objects should be a lot brighter.
    Try shooting right towards the sun with a real life camera, it's nowhere like that.

    So what could be happening? Thanks!
    Attached Files

  • #2
    I'm not understanding the issue. Which result is the desired one? Could you also share the scene so we can troubleshoot it?
    Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
    Chaos Support Representative | contact us


    • #3
      This is more like the wanted effect, but my windows does not seem to reflect the sky and/or sun properly. I believe I sent the scene to you earlier on, and got a response from one of your support people, however, we didn't resolve it.

      Click image for larger version

Name:	as.jpg
Views:	153
Size:	105.5 KB
ID:	1173800

      Click image for larger version

Name:	istockphoto-1154474375-1024x1024.jpg
Views:	174
Size:	156.2 KB
ID:	1173799

      Click image for larger version

Name:	glaze.jpg
Views:	173
Size:	116.8 KB
ID:	1173798


      • #4
        Well, judging by the images you've sent, you need to add a Lens Effect layer in the VFB. An HDRI with a Sky will also bring more realistic results.
        Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
        Chaos Support Representative | contact us

