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How to Fake chamfer with vrayedgestext in bumpmap + keep the material Bummap?

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  • How to Fake chamfer with vrayedgestext in bumpmap + keep the material Bummap?

    Hello, I'm wondering how we can get both the vrayedgestext in bump map to fake a chamfer, but still be able to used th ematerial bumpmap from the initial shader?
    There is only one slot of bump map available and am not sure I can used a mixingmap to get both bum into the same slot.
    What's the best approach?
    Can Vrayedgestext mimic a chamfer and not a fillet?
    Last edited by fraggle; 19-01-2023, 02:42 PM.

  • #2
    Add one of these after your regular material. Put the VrayEdgesTex on it.



    • #3
      You can actually do it just in bump map by overlaying VrayEdgeTex over bump in composite mode. I'm on Vray v.5.2.3
      It looks like bump spinner controls Bump intensity and VrayEdgeTex is always on 100%, as it should be

      Click image for larger version

Name:	VraytestBump.jpg
Views:	170
Size:	105.9 KB
ID:	1171102​​
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Yes, that actually works much of the time. I don’t recall the specifics, but sometimes you need to use the BumpMtl method ( I think when trying to also use VRayColor2Bump). So the BumpMtl is just a little safer in terms of just working, however, I assume a hint slower.


        and more importantly for this issue when using triplanar mapping:
        Last edited by Joelaff; 25-01-2023, 10:26 AM.


        • #5
          Thanks, whatever the method, we got a fillet and not a chamfer. So there is no way to fake a chamfer?


          • #6
            Originally posted by fraggle View Post
            Thanks, whatever the method, we got a fillet and not a chamfer. So there is no way to fake a chamfer?
            Rounded Corners is filleting, not chamfering by design. Not sure if you can fake a chamfer.
            Aleksandar Hadzhiev |
            Chaos Support Representative | contact us

