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Spawner Fails

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  • #61
    Yeah. Thanks for that.
    J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


    • #62
      Originally posted by CCS
      The only relevant error I was able to track down was in the Max.log in the network folder. It kept repeating "Starting Network, Error opening *.max file, Stop Network"
      You need to do at least 1 regular backburner rendering with a render slave before you can use it for DR. Apparently the first time it processes a backburner job, it initializes some stuff required to run 3dsmax in slave mode.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #63
        Ok, I've just run a straight backburner render through all my nodes. I've used a clean scene with 100 spheres just to make sure the scene I've used previously isnt the problem.

        No problems there.

        I then launched the DR spawner on the offending node...
        It worked.

        Now when I load the scene I'm trying to render. All nodes work (even one with only 1gb ram, the offending node has 2gb), except the offending node.

        As mentioned before, it loads the scene, (Server . Scene loaded: starting render.) but it never goes to 'starting frame 0'
        The other nodes go immediately from 'scene loaded:starting render' to 'starting frame 9'

        So, I've determined that DR works on this node, but there's something wrong with the scene I'm attempting to render. As far as I am aware, all paths are working fine, as I don't get any errors rendering through backburner. Memory can't be the issue as the scene renders fine on the 1gb node.

        I've also tried changing the IP from dynamic to static (ie from 117 to 23) so its closer in range to the other nodes. Again, all nodes work with the spheres, but the offending node (23) failes. The spawner crashes out.

        Vlado : I'll try to collate all the relevent files and post them up on my ftp so you can have a look at it and see if you can work out whats wrong with it (lots of proxies.)
        Patrick Macdonald
        Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


        • #64
          Originally posted by vlado
          You need to do at least 1 regular backburner rendering with a render slave before you can use it for DR. Apparently the first time it processes a backburner job, it initializes some stuff required to run 3dsmax in slave mode.

          Best regards,

          Ok... I'll try that. I guess that makes sense, but as I mentioned, DR works in one direction but not the other. It works when I initiate a DR render from a PC which has previously served as a BB slave but has never initiated a BB job. The DR slave in this instance has never served as a BB slave.

          It does *not* work when I initiate a DR render from a PC which has never initiated a BB job, although the DR slave I am trying to use has been a BB slave numerous times.

          It also didn't work when trying to initiate from my prior worksation, even though it had initiated a number of BB jobs and the DR slave I was trying to use has been a BB slave numerous times.

          Just wish I could see a pattern or something predictable.

          I'll try it as soon as I'm able.
          J. Scott Smith Visual Designs


          • #65
            We're running Max 9 64 with vray RC4 and the spawner constantly crashes on our slaves:

            0: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] ========================== Starting new session ==========================
            1: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] Got this module name: C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\vrayspawner90.exe
            2: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] Got this INI file name: C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\VRaySpawner.ini
            3: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] *** ALERT! Could not open INI file: "C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\VRaySpawner.ini". Using defaults.
            4: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] --
            5: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] Dumping current settings...
            6: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] VRaySpawner temp dir: "C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network"
            7: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] Application name (MAX/VIZ): "C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe"
            8: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] --
            9: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)
            10: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:18] Executing ""C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network\vraydummy90.max"
            11: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:54] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)
            12: [2007/Jan/22|14:37:54] Executing ""C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network\vraydummy90.max"
            13: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:04] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)
            14: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:04] Executing ""C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network\vraydummy90.max"
            15: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:14] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)
            16: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:14] Executing ""C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network\vraydummy90.max"
            17: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:24] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)
            18: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:24] Executing ""C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network\vraydummy90.max"
            19: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:34] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)
            20: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:34] Executing ""C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\3dsmax.exe" -server C:\Autodesk\3ds Max 9\network\vraydummy90.max"
            21: [2007/Jan/22|14:38:44] Process id is 2212 (0x8a4)

            Any ideas?


            • #66
              Just in case it helps somebody.

              I had the same problem with one pc not starting the spawner. The same pc would bomb out with BB as well. Server was running as service.

              1. removed the server service.
              2. started the manager and closed it again(was running on other pc anyway, but it was mentioned somewhere so I tried it)
              3. started the server app
              4. submitted a scene from another pc
              5. it ran fine so I let it finish
              6. closed the server and set it as service again
              7. just as a test submitted the same scene again via BB and it worked

              On to DR
              1. Started the spawner and instead of closing immediately it opened the dummy scene
              2. Submitted a job via DR from another pc and all is working fine.

              Hope it helps
              Max 8 SP3
              V-Ray 1.5 SP2
              WinXP SP3
              Dual Xeon 3.4GHz
              2GB RAM


              • #67
                So whos the man scott??

                After a LOT of vnc action we have it sorted.
                It was a dodgy install of backburner in the end.
                Chris Jackson


                • #68
                  YOU da man!!!

                  What a royal pain! After much hassle, Chris was the hero that figured it out. I've been months without DR. It's a whole new world now!!!!

                  Seriously - thanks!!
                  J. Scott Smith Visual Designs



                  • #69
                    seriously, the bill is in the mail
                    Chris Jackson


                    • #70
                      Hi all,
                      I've checked all the forum and can't find a solution working. Tried all was purposed here.

                      We updated from Viz2007 to Viz2008. Thus, a new guy went work with us with a new 3DSMax9 licence.
                      We downloaded the VRay version corresponding to the new viz versions and bought an extra licence for the new comer. This new licence went with the dongle which is effective.
                      All is OK on our workstations, working fine when we render alone.

                      We reinstalled Backburner 2007, and it works OK.

                      But there is no way to make the DR efficient.
                      When we launch the spawner on a slave, it disappears from the notify bar immediately.

                      We tried all. Install, desintall, install...
                      For information, I don't have this path described in the help : Start menu > Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3dsmax > Licensing > Administration > Change V-Ray client license. But the new-dongle-comer had it.

                      Thanks for your help.


                      • #71
                        Perhaps some helpfull information here that hasnt already been mentioned in this thread.


                        I just tried it today, on 2 machines, that have never DR'd or backburner'd before and it worked perfectly.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by idtools
                          I don't have this path described in the help : Start menu > Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3dsmax > Licensing > Administration > Change V-Ray client license. But the new-dongle-comer had it.
                          I think you only get that shortcut when you use the hardware licensing option during install. So your new guy with the dongle gets this option, but software license installs won't. I could be wrong though


                          • #73
                            Just installed Final sp1..

                            DR was working fine up to now (RC3), but now, it dosen not...

                            Did all the trics, sent BB job, wrote the .ini ( I'm on viz2008 ) overwrote the vraydummy90.max fil

                            The max session starts, flashes, and stops...
                            One thing I did notice: directly in C:, it does create a file ToServer.txt, and it desapears as soon as the max session shuts down.

                            Is there a new trick, with SP1, that I am not aware of. ??
                            Last edited by thablanch; 14-12-2007, 12:39 PM.
                            Alain Blanchette


                            • #74
                              what's your vraylog telling you on the main station?

                              I can send you my viz08 DR files if you like...just PM me with your e-mail address.

                              Matt English
                              Harper Perkins Architects / base2studios
                              AArch2008/VIZ2008/VRay ONE POINT (WHOOHOO) FIVE!!!


                              • #75
                                Vray log keeps saying such thing as an error message

                                But the Toserver.txt file that appears says: unknown error when loading application
                                Last edited by thablanch; 14-12-2007, 01:27 PM.
                                Alain Blanchette

