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Scene bounding box & Far from Origin ERRORs

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  • #16
    I think it may actually be the negatively scaled foliage - i'll be checking it soon.

    Further info:
    -nothing to do with negative scaling
    -occurs with phys cam and standard cam
    -camera clipping has no effect
    -nothing to do with xref objects, scenes (does the same with a straight merge)
    -if i hide all layers EXCEPT the problem layers, the problem remains
    -One of the problem layers was fixed - there was a vray fur object and some other geometry object that were god knows where in the scene, i couldnt actually zoom in on them. I deleted them and that layer on now works ok. Moving on!
    -Similar problem with second layer, had 1 tree that was apparently at 0,0,0 but I couldn't actually see it. Deleted it, rendered fine, no message.
    -Final layer had no problems with it, I was dreaming. WHATEVA.

    So in conclusion, read the original post. Select all you see on the screen, invert selection and see what it is you have selected.
    Last edited by duke2; 04-06-2008, 03:06 AM.


    • #17
      I don't understand this "Your geometry may be out of proper scale, e.g. modelling a building in mm.
      (*) Rescale it correctly.
      Check the (Customize -> Units Setup -> Display Unit Scale)
      Also check - the < System Unit Setup >"

      Why is MM an incorrect scale? - architects in the UK always use this unit. and so since all our DWG's are made in MM, I Model is MM too, it's the more accurate form I believe. Does Vray react differently to things using MM?


      • #18
        its just that a 1km community would have insanely high measurements if the unit scale is mm. i doubt your going to want to zoom down to something that actually is 1 mm so its overkill to keep it in that units

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #19
          Well actually we blow our images up to a very high resolution and print BIG, and a 50mm shadow gap for instance is a very fine but noticeable detail, we start loosing that and architecture loose's it's crispness. MM IS the standard in the UK, so why isn't it in the software we use? besides the fact that everything in our Viz Lib is scaled accordingly, this would take for ever to re-scale everything and change the proxies etc..


          • #20
            you're missing the point. In lamens terms: The program is giving you a warning merely because you have a 50km area and so if the program does calculations etc it uses few digits. But to calculate that 50km in mm are couple of extra digits. So it's telling you that chances are higher for a problem in calculating stuff because of the extra digits. Just ignore it. I always get this error and I always work in mm (for architectural stuff).
            For very large areas in small measurements, you will have a problem of zooming, because there are just tooooo many digits. I've had a situation before that my area was so large (cant remember excact sizes now), that I could'nt zoom extents. It zoomed out only about halfway. Then I had to change to m instead of mm

            Also, if you use Hair and Fur modifier, it makes a HUGE difference in your scale and units.
            Kind Regards,


            • #21
              Nice one, gotcha, same here We do a lot of master planning so we have miles of data lol.


              • #22
                I never ever don't get that 2nd error message and everything is always fine.

