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backburner task timeout (600 minutes)

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  • #16
    Most of the slaves are running SP3 with BB 3.02
    OK, although autodesk doesn't mention any fixes in backburner 3.02 related to the issue discussed in this thread, I'll install the 3.02 one the manager and one rendernode and see if it is OK.
    I'll report back with the results....



    • #17
      Ummm... yeah... this happened to me again last night. I think we should get a group together, find the person who messed up backburner, and punch them squarely in the nose.

      It seems that when you set your task timeout to 1200 minutes, it shouldn't timeout after 600 minutes. Maybe?



      • #18
        still have this problem


        we still have the 600 minutes problem... max2008 bb2007_1-1

        -max2008 is installed at the client that runs manager (32bit machine)...
        -xml is edited, and the time is set right in the monitor

        but rendering breaks up after 600 minutes...

        600 minutes are normally no problem for striped renderings, but for big and detailed lightmap rendering it´s really annoying to get it kicked out... of our reseller says all you have to do is install max atv the manager...bäng...

        does anyone else has this problem ?

        thanks for help



        • #19
          When you submit the job, do you click the Advanced button, Enable the time-out override and set it to 70000 (=max?)
          I have no idea what the XML option is and what it does. We do have renders that take over 10 hours but I always use the option I mentioned before.
          Last edited by DrJan; 15-01-2008, 06:11 AM.
 - Online portfolio (temporarily offline)
          / AMD Phenom X4 @ 3.00Ghz / ATI HD 4890 / 8Gb Ram /
          / Vista Ultimate x64 / Max 2010 / Vray 1.5 SP3a Edu /
          / Intel Core2Quad Q9450 @ 2.66Ghz /
          Nvidia Quadro FX 3700 / 8Gb Ram /
          / Vista Bussines x64 /


          • #20
            as above

            We had a simialr prob and the solution was as above... Max must be on the manager machine..


            • #21
              maybe it´s a problem with 32 and 64 bit... job is 64bit and manager runs on 32 bit...

              there is such a file chaos with the last 3dsmax installations...everywhere the same named files...i have no check why this...

     on my system here i have a backburner.xml in the folder of the backburner installation, one in the 64bit root of max in the network folder,one in the 32bit root of max in the network folder, and with max2008 i get one in a network folder that gets written in a direction where i save a new job irrmap (or picture)...

              tomorrow i will edit all of them on the manager and renderclient...and i try to run the manager on a 64 bit machine...maybe this helps...



              • #22
                BB is full of bugs and misses several commandlines like "-ContinueOnError:1"
                very helpfull if plugin are missing or a texture popup causes missing map error
                unfortunaly are some cmds from the 3dsmaxcmd.exe not working
                try to chance gamma values and you feel the pain
                BB is working in the most cases but in special terms it sucks

                that threads me to use a real rendermanager

                beside that is BB not made nor supported by Autodesk
                its a gift someone wrote in his sparetime


                just setup the scene ready to render -save path - frame ranges - etc
                open cmd and execute

                c:\path to max\3dsmaxcmd.exe "C:\path to scene\xx.max" -v:4 -rfw:1

                and you can render forever

                even I could not get rid of the timeout bug
                i wonder someone could ?:/

                grz from the Render Farmer
                - moste powerfull Render farm in world -
                RebusFarm --> 1450 nodes ! --> 2.900 CPU !! --> 20.000 cores !!!
                just 2,9 to 1.2 cent per GHZ hour -->


                • #23

                  just wanted to say that it works now...

                  started manager on a 64 bit system...and now it doesn´t kill the jobs after 600 minutes...



                  • #24
                    I just wanted to agree with the previous post. 64 bit servers must have a 64 bit manager in order to properly set certain properties, one of which is the task timeout setting. Running Monitor on a 64 bit machine also correctly displays the frame numbers in the Task ID column, rather than "Task 1-301" or whatever, and of course you can't edit settings for 64 bit jobs from a 32 bit monitor.

