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MAX or Vray viewport bug continued

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  • #16
    It certainly has nothing to do with V-Ray...

    What is the origin of the cad being imported is it far from 0,0?

    Are you welding on import?
    Eric Boer


    • #17
      teabag, that model of mine is purely max, only the plans are imported to max. i erect the building in max. still happens. weird huh?

      eric, i always import plans from autocad in 0,0,0
      i would prepare the plans before importing, like cleaning up,
      and moving it to 0,0,0
      but this thing still happens. i still blame max's "perspective" view for this....
      Dominique Laksmana


      • #18
        RErender: i do it exactly like dominique...using dwgs as blueprints and buil up everything in max myself from scratch...youre right it has nothing to do with vray

        dominique: youre right the bug is on autodesks side ....AGAIN..... have searched their discussion groups on this bug and it has something to do with viewport clipping....imho....when u import any dwg, it is so large that the viewport cliping value which is in persp view by default simply doesnt handle even the new geometry u make in max....u can overcome this issue slightly by right clickin on the "perspective" in perspective viewport and selecting vieport clipping
        then u will find two arrow like sliders on the right had side of the viewport window...just play with them until the oproblem is gone...although i must dmit in closeup views i have to be quite careful as the new clipping setting makes the closeup object clip too early....
        teabag studios


        • #19
          here is the link to the discussion group

          teabag studios


          • #20
            hey thanks man! hehe
            Dominique Laksmana


            • #21
              no problem doesnt sort it out completely just helps a bit
              teabag studios



              • #22
                I have both issues

                the first is if my model is too far away from the origin (0,0,0) so i always make sure this is correct when working with architects drawings (for me they always seem to start drawing in the middle of nowhere). I get display issues in this case.

                I also get display issues if zooming too far into a perspective view but its kind of easy to overcome and i generally use the camera view anyway

                I also have a display issue with vray lights in the scene with large multipliers. My scene gets blown out in the viewport even though ive for defaults lighting with 2 lights set. I generally get it to snap out of this by minimising the viewport or refreshing or moving along the animation timeline to a different view.

                one day i'll have to try out some better drivers i think . Everyone in our office has the same problem though...


                • #23
                  i got this problem from long time ago (since max7 or 8... can't remember).

                  one solution is NOT to use field-of-view button (the eye icon) or mousescroll to get extereme close-up in perspective mode, especially if your mesh have a very large bounding box.
                  Use Zoom (the magnifying glass icon) instead, or you can use walkthrough mode as well.

                  Harry G


                  • #24
                    one thing i dont understand..if this issue is persistent from previous versions...why the helll they dont fix it? fed up with autodesk.....especially since they acquired maya
                    teabag studios



                    • #25
                      I have this problem since 3 years, and nodoby at autodesk seems to worry about that... Maybe they don't have the money ?

                      Philippe Steels
                      Pixelab - Blog - Flickr


                      • #26
                        teabag studios



                        • #27
                          the same as windows they are just making patch on they are really resolving the pbms...


                          • #28
                            if vray was originally planned for diff application then max i wonder how many customers they would have now....i am also very curious, once vray has some full port onto different platform or goes standalone, how many customers will cross from max to something else...because for the money it costs its absolute crap..
                            teabag studios



                            • #29
                              Not to mention the price policy that makes us (europeans) pay twice the price for the same soft.

                              I can't say honestly that max is a total crap, but the price dif. isn't justified, they are only taking a maxium profit of their quasi monopoly.

                              As long as vray will work on max 7, I'll stay on max 7. The only drawback is that you can't read max 8+ files (why, technically speaking???) and the 64bits stuff. I have to pay 1500 € for an update ! This is insane...
                              Philippe Steels
                              Pixelab - Blog - Flickr


                              • #30
                                difference of price is justified with language translation....................................... .. btw i work with an english version and i love it

