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Vray 1.5 finale : Backburner and DR

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Clifton Santiago View Post
    I don't understand this question. Are you asking for help, or complaining that too many people are trying to help? There are many different ways to set up network rendering so there are going to be many opinions on the best way to do it.
    oh no i'm sorry if i was miss understood, i love people that help

    i'm sorry but i'm french and sometimes (maby too often ) i'm not correctly understood.
    thanks for your quick answer, now i know how it works
    3LP Team


    • #62
      le processus est simple en fait, les spawners se lancent de chaque pc, si tu lances ton rendu sur une machine d'ou tu bosses normalement tu n'as pas besoin de lancer de serveurs, mais par contre si tu veux lancer un calcul via le backburner, en distribute rendering (c'est possible) tu devra forcement lancer le serveur du backburner sur cette machine... logique, mais toujours pas utile sur les autres...

      Par contre verifie bien que les options du distribute rendering sont identiques entre les machines qui lancent le job et celles qui le reçoivent, imagine : sur ta becane tu as coché 3 machines de en colaboration (distribute) on va les appeler 1, 2 et 3. Si tu lances ton rendu via le backburner il faudra que Vray soit parametrer au préalable de la même façon... donc rien de plus simple, tu ouvres vray sur la machine tu coches les machines 1, 2, 3 et hop tu fermes vray (vlado a expliqué un moyen de le faire en allant direct dans le dossier des presets de max mais bon... ça marche comme ça aussi) Voila ta machine est prete à l'emploie.

      Pense à cocher la case "check for missings maps" on sait jamais, et surtout toutes tes maps doivent avoir un chemin d'acces par le reseau > du style : \\monpcpartage/dossiertextures/etc et non pas c:/ mesdocs/etc... parceque les serveurs ils ont pas ton dossier.

      Voila j'espere que ça t'aura un peu aidé
      Sorry all i translate some help I'm french so !

      And Now i have a new question !

      We launch some irradiance prepass via the backburner and distribute rendering, the scene was lauching, everything load and render for the first... and the second frame, we have our 50 buckets efficient, and after this 2 frames there is only the machine that receive the job... All the other buckets sleep away...

      Have you ever seen this? of course we have check the "check for missing maps" options and all our stuff is on a network, we have passed our systems to vista 64 for all.
      We are using Vray 1.5 sp1

      Thanks !
      i ll be back


      • #63
        Do you have the "don't render final image" option ON by any chance?

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #64
          Sure ! we have this option "ON"
          i ll be back


          • #65
            Ok, then turning it off will sove the problem for the time being (you can use very low AA settings to make it go faster on the rendering).

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #66
              hey thanks we will try it as soon as possible ! Have a nice day !
              i ll be back


              • #67
                hm, I have a really annoying problem.

                after I started to render a scene with Dr enabled, i have to restart the vrayspawner on all machines because they wont render if I am not doing this.
                after restarting the spawner all renderslaves starts rendering.

                does anybody have a similar problem?

                best regards
                Pixelschmiede GmbH


                • #68
                  yes, sometimes we have the same problem, it must be a very great tool to have a control panel for DR and BB for the network, if we could administrate from one machine all the renderfarm behavior it should be fantastic... (start/stop drspawner, restart etc, and also set the Dr list without a VNC connection and a preview for each renderslave for the backbruner for exemple. (on the same panel we could have, also, an option like the fantastic tool from Lele which gathering all the maps and vray resources into a same folder... This is a very great thing for us)

                  Best regards
                  i ll be back


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by raistlin View Post
                    yes, sometimes we have the same problem, it must be a very great tool to have a control panel for DR and BB for the network, if we could administrate from one machine all the renderfarm behavior it should be fantastic... (start/stop drspawner, restart etc, and also set the Dr list without a VNC connection and a preview for each renderslave for the backbruner for exemple. (on the same panel we could have, also, an option like the fantastic tool from Lele which gathering all the maps and vray resources into a same folder... This is a very great thing for us)

                    Best regards
                    ...and the tool's name is?
                    do you speak about special tools?

                    another question is, is there a tool control (view) the cpu usage over network?

                    best regards
                    Pixelschmiede GmbH


                    • #70
                      no no ! i suggest this for vlado ! it must be very intersesting for all of us to have this tools directly into the vray's option render...
                      i ll be back


                      • #71
                        Or you can use this utility that will re-start the spawner on all nodes:


                        EDIT: Sorry, I just realized I mentioned this earlier in this thread. Why can't we delete our posts anymore?
                        Last edited by Clifton Santiago; 07-04-2008, 02:07 AM.
                        "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                        • #72
                          yes i read this, but it's better if we haven't to install another tool... if we have this directly on our stations we work faster and efficiently. (no command lines and other... hop just the Vray panel and voila)
                          i ll be back


                          • #73
                            Yes, but it is that easy. Just run the .bat file I mentioned before, and all the nodes are restarted. All on one machine, no remote desktop, etc.
                            "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                            • #74
                              So if I want to use backburner and DR, I just send a job to BB with DR switched on in the normal way and it should work. Mine doesnt use the other render nodes available.. what am I doing wrong ?


                              My Portfolio


                              • #75
                                When sending DR via BB, send to just one machine, which becomes the host machine (i.e. it acts like your machine, but remotely). This machine will then DR to all the nodes. You do not select the nodes on your workstation (just enable DR). Instead you tell the remote machine which nodes to send to with this file:

                                "C:\Documents and Settings\AdminUsernameHere\Local Settings\Application Data\Autodesk\3dsmax\2008 - 64bit\enu\plugcfg\vray_dr.cfg"

                                vray_dr.cfg should look like this:

                                Node01 1
                                Node02 1
                                Node03 1


                                Just make sure that VraySpawner is running on all nodes as a service with an admin account.
                                Last edited by Clifton Santiago; 02-03-2009, 09:10 AM.
                                "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

