I have problem with interior scene on vRay 1.5 SP5
UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at .\src\globillummap.cpp, line 1616: GlobalIllumMap::buildLightMap() {5}
-When vRay calculate IRR map.
I have vRay IES lights and max's photometric IES lights (distribution photometric WEB, vRay shadow area 10cm)
When I turned off photometric - all is fine, but when on - always crash.
Any idea?
UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Irradiance map thread
Last marker is at .\src\globillummap.cpp, line 1616: GlobalIllumMap::buildLightMap() {5}
-When vRay calculate IRR map.
I have vRay IES lights and max's photometric IES lights (distribution photometric WEB, vRay shadow area 10cm)
When I turned off photometric - all is fine, but when on - always crash.
Any idea?