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big wish!

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  • big wish!

    I know that it's a big wish (Iknow the work to do that), this forum is great, I love it so much but....
    Someone Could make a real big manual of Vray.
    The soft is superb, suport also, improvement no comment......
    This is just my though about all the different renderer, in fact I don't understand the Vray politic, ok you want to protect your baby but do you really think that don't make a real book about Vray is the best thing?
    I think that a soft like it needs a big reference book, at the beginning it was simple but now it is very accurate and "sharp".
    Perhaps it's non needed but if you had a big reference book, Vray will be the most popular rendering system.
    I don't want to hurt anybody (I'm a good supporter! ).
    The help is very good but you know that the forum is also the reference book. If you aren't in the forum you can't learn very very well Vray.
    I think that people love to learn a software with a big help index it's perhaps a shitting thing but I think that is the common thing.
    When you have a big help you think that the soft is very complete and you can search and search again.
    So, I think that it is a politic though.

    (Please sorry for this bad english! )

  • #2
    .I know that you have many choise, you can take time to improve your soft and you can take time to make a good book.
    Your choise is surely the best


    • #3
      Hi, I'm not sure I know exactly what you are wishing for. You do know there is an online manual (one that is actually pretty good) on your login page, right?
      Torgeir Holm |


      • #4
        I think making a book at this time would not be economical, simply for the reason the software is being updated so frequently.

        Maybe with Vray 1.5 , however, if updates continue at the frequency as they currently are, why not just a downloadable pdf or html file on the registered users page that can be updated along with the software as necessary?

        Personnally, I like a downloadable file because it will never be "out of date", like a book becomes, as the software matures and is updated. Of course as long as the online, downloadable manual is kept up to date.

        Just my 2 cents.



        DR or Die!
        - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

        "DR or Die!"


        • #5
          As Torgeir said, there is an Online Help where you as a registered user can login anytime and search and browse all you want. It is updated all the time with newer and newer stuff and you do not have to worry that whatever you download will be out of date in a few weeks and you have to re-download it again. ... and the Online Help is the most complete VRay Manual that you can get in the Inet.
          Best Regards,


          • #6
            I have to add my wish for a downloadable version, I am always stuck between giving 20+ artists the login info or taking the time to leech the current version. If I had my preference it would be compiled into a chm file (really easy to do when you have all the files available) so it is compatible with the max help system and searchable.
            Eric Boer


            • #7
              Of course I know the online help! But my wish was just to have a fully pdf or best chm file with good link good example files etc..
              When I speak about a book I don't mind a "real book" but an "electronic book"
              And i would like a recompile of the interesting forum thread with many example for different case. You will say me that there are example in the help index ok but not enought I think and they are to general.
              I speak about example like the last added by Vlado (very good example!)
              betwenn suface, moving object.....
              that's all


              • #8

                and you could always start one yourself... glean the forums each day for useful info, and start your own webpage that you could possibly incorporate that info into.

                "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                • #9
                  It would be a great idea for Chaos to mine the forums and add a FAQ section to the help index.
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by percydaman

                    and you could always start one yourself... glean the forums each day for useful info, and start your own webpage that you could possibly incorporate that info into.
                    That's exactly that I don't want to do. And I of course also know Vrayinfo .
                    I think that you haven't understand my though, I just make the parallel with other soft like final render or mental ray help and installation files.
                    Perhaps it's because Vray is at this start and everyboby waiting for the 1.5.
                    Vray Install files is lighter than at his start, without example files etc....
                    When I speak about a recompil, I want to mean that update all the example files wich was in the first Vray version (and I know that there are file in the help index and other website blablabla.......)


                    • #11
                      RErender and Priad I totally agree with you about the .chm file. I would prefer that to pdf or html.

                      I really think Chaos needs to put a downloadable chm file of the "new" manual on the website for registered users that is updated when the software is!


                      DR or die!
                      - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                      "DR or Die!"


                      • #12
                        actually one of the good outcomes of not having a downloadable version means that only those who "deserve" access to the help files can get the help needed. if you know what i mean

                        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                        stupid questions the forum can answer.


                        • #13
                          that's exactly why I speak about group politic!


                          • #14
                            its not hard to pdf (or possibly chm) the help file.

                            Its merely that its still pretty fluid and has portions added to it and edited regularly. so a packaged and static (large) downloadable version isn't very feasable as yet.

                            I've got a pdf version I threw together a few weeks ago so that I could search through it personally if you're really hurting for a non-online web based version.
                            Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


                            • #15
                              I PDF'd mine page by page a couple months back and will never do it again... there must be an easier way to do it.
                              LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                              HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                              Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

