I know that it's a big wish (Iknow the work to do that), this forum is great, I love it so much but....
Someone Could make a real big manual of Vray.
The soft is superb, suport also, improvement no comment......
This is just my though about all the different renderer, in fact I don't understand the Vray politic, ok you want to protect your baby but do you really think that don't make a real book about Vray is the best thing?
I think that a soft like it needs a big reference book, at the beginning it was simple but now it is very accurate and "sharp".
Perhaps it's non needed but if you had a big reference book, Vray will be the most popular rendering system.
I don't want to hurt anybody (I'm a good supporter! ).
The help is very good but you know that the forum is also the reference book. If you aren't in the forum you can't learn very very well Vray.
I think that people love to learn a software with a big help index it's perhaps a shitting thing but I think that is the common thing.
When you have a big help you think that the soft is very complete and you can search and search again.
So, I think that it is a politic though.
(Please sorry for this bad english! )
Someone Could make a real big manual of Vray.
The soft is superb, suport also, improvement no comment......
This is just my though about all the different renderer, in fact I don't understand the Vray politic, ok you want to protect your baby but do you really think that don't make a real book about Vray is the best thing?
I think that a soft like it needs a big reference book, at the beginning it was simple but now it is very accurate and "sharp".
Perhaps it's non needed but if you had a big reference book, Vray will be the most popular rendering system.
I don't want to hurt anybody (I'm a good supporter! ).
The help is very good but you know that the forum is also the reference book. If you aren't in the forum you can't learn very very well Vray.
I think that people love to learn a software with a big help index it's perhaps a shitting thing but I think that is the common thing.
When you have a big help you think that the soft is very complete and you can search and search again.
So, I think that it is a politic though.
(Please sorry for this bad english! )